
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Town Council Meeting 19th November 2024

11-19-24 TC MINS

The Deputy Mayor, Cllr. D. Hobson (DH) (in the chair).

Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB) J. Baskett (JB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), J. Drake (JD), G.E. Horton (GEH), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), D. Moore (DM), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), J. Simmons (JS), P. Starsmore (PS), Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW), D.E. Wing (DEW).

Councillors Not Present: M. Barnes (MB), LMC, H. Filer (HF).

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Miss S. Chitauro, Mr. A Grist and Mr. E. Findlay from the London Road Sports Partnership, Ms N. Wheeldon, Mr. J. Irvine and Mr. R. Varrell from Our Hall Louth Ltd., and one member of the public were also present.

Public Forum:
• Cllr. GEH updated the Council on the 3G pitch proposal at Wood Lane, informing them that a third, amended planning application would be submitted.  He went on to disclose that there would be a public meeting held on 27th November to discuss the application, as well as an opportunity to speak on the application at the District Planning Committee Meeting.
• Cllr. Mrs. JMS informed the Council that the Bundles of Joy Louth Baby Bank had recently won East Lindsey District Council’s (ELDC) Community Ambassador’s Award.

T45. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. MB, HF and LMC who would be late to the meeting.

T46. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following dispensations were made:
a. Cllr. DH – Item 6d, after being approached for funding from the applicant in his role as a member of ELDC.
b. Cllr. GEH – Item 6d, after being approached for funding from the applicant in his role as a member of ELDC, and Item 10 as a member of the Town and Parish Council Scrutiny Survey Committee.
c. Cllr. Mrs. JMS – Item 9 as a trustee of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust and Item 10 as a member of ELDC.
d. Cllr. DEW – Item 9 as a trustee of Hubbard’s Hills Trust.

T47. Town Clerks Remarks
The Town Clerk informed the Council that:
• A bin had been installed outside Lacey Fields School.  The Town Clerk was still awaiting a response from Platform Housing as to whether one could be installed at Virginia Drive, and that she was in talks with Cllrs. Mrs. KP and Mrs. JMS regarding the possible placement of bins on Horncastle Road and Meridian View.
• Louth Town Council had registered online for the Local Council Award Scheme, but the initial criteria had been updated, therefore applications were on hold until the criteria had been completed.
• She had received one quote for the work recommended in the first year to the Sessions House.  A second quote was in the process of being prepared and a third had been requested but the Town Clerk had not yet received a reply.
• She was still awaiting a response from the solicitor regarding Old Mill House.
• Lloyds had written to confirm that from mid-January, the Council’s Treasury Account (current) would be transferred to a business account.

T48. Minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the notes of the Council Meeting held on the 27th August 2024 be approved as the minutes.

T49. Committee Minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to confirm receipt of the minutes and adopt the resolutions contained therein of the following Committee Meetings:
a. Planning Committee – 6th August 2024
b. Planning Committee – 17th September 2024
c. Governance and Finance Committee – 6th August 2024
d. Community Resources Committee – 16th July 2024
e. Personnel Committee – 16th July 2024
f. Personnel Committee – 6th August 2024

T50. Closed Session Items
At 7.07pm, upon a proposal from Cllr. PS which was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. JMS, the Committee RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, due to the business to be discussed in the following items, information being of a third party and confidential nature with regard to:
a. London Road Sports Partnership – The Council received an update from members of LRSP, along
with information of a future funding plan and a request for funding.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to come out of closed session as a recorded vote had been requested.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Council would approve the release of £20,000 using its powers under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s19 as follows:

Cllr. Mrs. EB For
Cllr. JB For
Cllr. JD For
Cllr. GEH For
Cllr. DH For
Cllr. Mrs. JMS For
Cllr. DM For
Cllr. Mrs. KP For
Cllr. JS For
Cllr. PS For
Cllr. Mrs. PFW For
Cllr. DEW For

NB: Cllr. LMC entered the meeting at 7.11pm after the commencement of closed session to discuss Item 6a.  Therefore, she was unable to vote on Item 6a.
At 8.15pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to go back into closed session.
b. Our Hall Louth Ltd – The Council received an update from the group on their future plans and a funding request.  A recorded vote was requested.  At 9.31pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to go out of closed session.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve a grant of £20,000 to the Our Hall Louth Ltd. using its powers under the Local Government Act 1972, s145, subject to the group successfully obtaining a £70,000 grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, as follows:

Cllr. Mrs. EB For
Cllr. JB For
Cllr. LMC For
Cllr. JD For
Cllr. GEH Against
Cllr. DH Against
Cllr. Mrs. JMS Against
Cllr. DM For
Cllr. Mrs. KP For
Cllr. JS For
Cllr. PS For
Cllr. Mrs. PFW Against
Cllr. DEW Against
At 9.34pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to go back into closed session.
c. Trinity Allotments – The Town Clerk provided an update regarding Trinity Allotments, and after discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to grant the Town Clerk delegated authority to progress the purchase of the allotment starting at £30,000, with a ceiling of £33,000.
d. Grants – The Council received a grant application from Endeavour Louth in respect of their 3rd Annual Children’s Christmas Party.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to award a grant of £245.
NB: Cllrs. DH and Mrs. JMS abstained from voting on this item.
At 9.58pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to suspend standing orders in order to continue the meeting beyond 3 hours.
e. Horncastle Road Kissing Gate – The Council received quotes for the repair and reinstallation of the Horncastle Road kissing gate.  The Town Clerk cautioned the Council that the reinstallation of the gate would be at the Council’s own risk as Lincolnshire County Council had advised that they would remove the gate if complaints were received.  After discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to repair and reinstate the gate at a cost of £492 including VAT.

At 10.04pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to come out of closed session.

NB: Cllr. JS left the meeting at 10.05pm.

T51. Royal British Legion, Louth Branch
The Council noted that after 78 years in existence, Louth’s branch of the Royal British Legion would close unless at least ten new members were found to form a branch committee who were expected to meet once a month.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that an appeal be made on Facebook for interested persons to come forward.

T52. Sexual and General Harassment
Following the introduction of new legislation which placed greater responsibilities and legal requirements on all employers to take proactive steps to prevent sexual harassment at work, Councillors received a copy of the above policy, approved by the Personnel Committee for use on 22nd October 2024, and it was noted that they would be asked to attend training and sign a document to confirm that they had received, read, understood and would abide by the policy annually.

T53. Hubbard’s Hills
Council received an invitation form the Hubbard’s Hills Working Group to attend a walk around of the Hills on Monday 2nd December at 10am.

T54. Town and Parish Council Scrutiny Survey
The Council received details of the above and it was noted that the closing date for responses was 6th January 2025.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the Planning Working Group should draft a corporate response at their next meeting which would be brought back to the next Planning Committee on 10th December 2024 for ratification.  Councillors noted that they could also submit an individual response.

T55. Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Town Council meeting was 14th January 2025.


The Meeting Closed at 10.17pm.



Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________