08-08-23 PLAN MINS
ON TUESDAY 8th August 2023
Councillor Mrs. S. Crew (SC) (in the chair).
Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), J. Drake (JD), H. Filer (HF), L. Frost (LF), D. Hobson (DH), M. Lamb (ML), J. Simmons (JS), P. Starsmore (PS).
Councillors not present: M. Barnes (MB), L.M Cooney (LMC), G.E. Horton (GEH), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW).
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant Miss. S. Chitauro, four representatives of Morrisons and 10 members of the public were also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum as follows:
• Speaking of the Morrisons redevelopment, one man said that he supported the proposals in principle but believed that certain aspects of the redevelopment needed more attention, such as the design, the proposed use of cladding and close boarded fencing and the overall height of the proposed building. He commented that the proposed entrance and roundabout would be an improvement to the current format.
• A woman also agreed with the proposals in principle but was concerned about her garden being close to the delivery yard.
• A member of the Salvation Army, which shares a boundary with the Morrisons store spoke of his concerns regarding noise pollution and air quality. He worried about the impact that a car park on the boundary of Elizabeth Court would have on the quality of life for their elderly residents. He stated that he was pleased regarding the plans for a new roundabout and wanted to maintain good relationships with Morrisons.
• Councillor JS read a letter from a neighbouring property of the Morrisons store which expressed concerns about the redevelopment.
P31. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. LMC, GEH, Mrs. JMS, Mrs. KP and Mrs. PFW.
P32. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:
a. Cllr. DH – Item 7b as director of Kidgate Primary Academy and Items 5, 6, 7 and 10 as a member of East Lindsey District Council (ELDC).
b. Cllr. Mrs. EB – Planning application 17 as being a member of the Board of Louth Golf Club which is a neighbour of the property.
P33. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 11th July 2023 be approved as the minutes.
P34. Morrisons
Representatives from Morrisons, M. Newton, M. Powell, S. Ward and A. Wilson gave a presentation regarding the redevelopment of the Morrisons Store and established that the redevelopment was due to current accessibility constraints. They proposed a new 20,000sqft store, an upgraded roundabout, 195 parking spaces, 50 extra jobs, electric vehicle charging stations, landscaping and boundary planting and a new junction for the service yard. They also confirmed that Morrisons would be performing maintenance work on the garden adjacent to the store at 160 Eastgate. They shared that 89% (328) of feedback they received from the 372 responses from the public supported the plans for a new store, 3% (12) did not support a new store and 8% (28) were undecided. They said that they believed the redevelopment would be good for boosting in-town vitality and shopping. They affirmed that the planning permission and application for demolition of the current store were submitted to ELDC in July 2023, the deadline for the permissions was 18th August 2023, that they expect a decision from ELDC by late 2023 and hoped that the store would be open in 2025. Regarding questions over the poor condition of 160 Eastgate, the Morrisons representatives said that they would try to escalate the necessary maintenance to top priority. They confirmed that free parking for up to 2 hours would continue to operate and that they had taken on board the Council policy on disabled parking.
P35. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 08-08-23) and RESOLVED as follows:
a. N/105/01121/23 – Louth Town Council considered this application and were of the opinion that a beautiful old window such as that in question here and the look it creates in the street scene should be preserved at all costs. Therefore, the Conservation Officer should be consulted and should agree any proposals.
b. N/105/01376/23 – To object to this application on the grounds that the proposals are overbearing in terms of height, being much taller than neighbouring properties. As the site is in the conservation area this will have a detrimental effect on surrounding listed buildings and the conservation area in general. It will also result in the loss of public visual amenity. The Council request that a full heritage assessment is undertaken.
c. N/105/01385/23 – Withdrawn
d. N/105/01398/23 – To object to this application on the grounds of design and appearance. It felt that the screens/fencing already erected adjacent to the footpath on North Holme Road were not to a suitably presentable standard causing the overall street scene to be negatively impacted.
e. N/105/01409/23 & N/105/01410/23 – To support this application in principle but would request that the concerns of local residents be taken on board. Comments received by the Council from local residents on 8th August are summarised as follows: 1) Design – does not reflect local character and will do nothing to enhance the adjacent Conservation Area. 2) Could something be done e.g., a pitched roof, to soften the impact of the building and reduce the overbearing effect it will have, in part created by the proposed high parapet. 3) Has a wall and some railings around the entrance area from the roundabout been considered to reflect the street scene opposite and add character / make the building more distinctive and in keeping with the area. 4) The proposed cladding gives the impression of an agricultural / industrial look which isn’t suitable for the town in that location. 5) Could an alternative to close board fencing be considered as this will deteriorate quickly, looking shabby. 6) Can anything be done to soften the visual impact of the sprinkler tanks which otherwise will be very prominent. 7) The overall height of the building will be higher than the 3 storey houses immediately neighbouring the site on Eastgate. Can anything be done with the roof design to soften that? 8) A ramp leading from the roundabout up to the car park is proposed. The ground at the top of it will be 2 to 3m higher than the garden of 160 Eastgate, the house closest to the ramp. This will change the topography of the town and anyone in the car park will be at the same height as the bedroom windows of 160 Eastgate and the houses adjoining it, looking into them. 9) Vehicles will have to accelerate up the ramp and this will create significantly more noise than is currently experienced. 10) Those in the car park will also be able to look straight down into the gardens of the 3 storey houses on Eastgate which adjoin the site. Meaning a loss of privacy and increased risk to security. 11) Consideration should be given to ensuring that residents surrounding the site’s proposed service yard can have quiet enjoyment of their own gardens and not be subjected to the noise of lorries continually manoeuvring near them with reversing alarms beeping and sounding constantly and metal cages being clanged around, disturbing the peace. 12) Due consideration be given to the elderly residents of Elizabeth Court who are concerned about noise and air pollution and the effect on their quality of life if the carpark is allowed to be placed directly on their boundary. 13) Due consideration be given to access and parking for both the Salvation Army and Elizabeth Court. 14) Further thought be given to alternatives to the proposed 3m acoustic fence which will overshadow properties and cause public visual amenity to be lost. 15) The currently vacant land bordering Priory Road is a haven for wildlife. Will Morrisons need to provide an alternative area to enhance bio diversity?
f. N/105/01419/23 – To object to this application on the grounds that the proposal would urbanise the existing rural character of the site which currently contributes positively to the character and appearance of the area and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The site is located in the transitional space between rural countryside and the town of Louth where intervening green space between built form is a key characteristic. The proposal would undermine the role the site plays as the setting for the entrance into the town and would cause harm to the character of the area in conflict with the requirements of Policy SP10 and SP23 of the East Lindsey Local Plan and paragraphs 130 c) and 176 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
g. N/105/01439/23 – To object to this application. It concurred with Heritage Lincolnshire’s assessment that replacement of the existing clay pantiles with concrete pantiles would not be sympathetic in the Conservation Area.
h. N/105/01485/23 – To object to this application on the grounds of Design and Appearance. It believed that the works are not in keeping with the Conservation Area and should not have been undertaken without prior permission.
i. To support all other applications.
P36. Planning Correspondence
The Committee noted the following planning correspondence:
a. ELDC Planning Decisions
i. ELDC Approved – N/105/01135/23 – Planning Permission – 13 Virginia Drive, Louth – LTC Supported 20/06/23.
ii. ELDC Approved – N/105/01069/23 – Section 73 Application – 127 Eastgate, Louth – LTC Supported 20/06/23.
iii. ELDC Approved – N/105/01099/23 – Full Planning Permission – 62 Crowtree Lane, Louth – LTC Supported 11/07/23.
iv. ELDC Approved – N/105/01879/22 – Outline Planning Permission – 39 Crowtree Lane, Louth – LTC Supported 14/03/23.
v. ELDC Approved – N/105/00845/23 – Prior Approval – Development by Telecommunications Code System Operators – North Holme Road, Louth – LTC requested prior approval 23/05/23.
vi. ELDC Approved – N/105/01189/23 – Planning Permission – 89 Monks Dyke Road, Louth – LTC Supported 20/06/23.
b. Temporary Traffic Restrictions
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Major carriageway resurfacing.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Newbridge Hill (Between Keddington Road & Ramsgate). No waiting and no loading at any time Order – Newbridge Hill (Between Keddington Road & Ramsgate).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 10/08/2023 – 31/08/2023, 22.00 – 06.00 (Restrictions to be implemented for 10 days as and when required during this period, signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – Public safety due to sink hole.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Nicholl Hill.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 13/07/2023 – 02/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 21 days as and when required during this period, signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – Public safety due to sink hole.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Nicholl Hill.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 03/08/2023 – 31/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 28 days as and when required during this period, signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – Burst main.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Love Lane.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 19/07/23 – 25/07/23 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period, signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Carriageway micro surfacing.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order on – Holmes Close (Between Mill Land & End); Welbeck Way (Between Mill Lane & End), Mill Lane (Between High Home Road & End); Havelock Close (Between Hawker Drive & End); Simons Close (Between Pasture Drive & End); Beck Way (Between Pasture Drive & End); Hawker Drive/Pasture Drive (Between Stewton Lane & Graye Drive); Alder Close (Between Pasture Drive & End); Brookside Close (Between Bartongate & End); Albany Road (Between Kenwick Road & End).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 21/08/2023 – 30/09/2023, 7.30 – 18.00 (Restrictions to be implemented for various days as and when required during this period, signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Major carriageway resurfacing works.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: No Parking Restriction – Eastgate and Church Street (Eastgate Phase 1 to be completed before work starts on Church Street Phase 2). Temporary 2 Way Traffic Signals to be installed on the Roundabout with Eastgate and Church Street to allow resurfacing of the Roundabout to be completed (Temporary traffic signals to be removed off site outside stated working hours). During Phase 2 Church Street resurfacing, Kidgate, Louth to have a temporary suspension of 1 Way System in place. Access/egress for Kidgate will be via Upgate only during planned working hours. Road Closure Order on Queens Street from the junction with Church Street to Burnt Hill Lane, with residential/business access/egress only.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 29/08/23 – 14/09/23, 22.00 – 6.00 (Restrictions to be implemented for 16 days for night works only. Signage will be displayed on site in advance and all main approaches 2 weeks prior to start date).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New water connection.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Priory Road (Between Eastgate and Priory Close).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 22/08/2023 – 24/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 3 days as and when required during this period. Signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Event – EOH001054 – British Super Bikes (BSB) Weekend.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – A153 Horncastle Road (Between Highfield Lane & Bluestone Heath Road – Access for BSB Traffic Only); Bluestone Heath Road (Between Highfield Lane & A153); Bluestone Heath Road (Between Cadwell Park Camping entrance & A153); Highfield Lane. Clearway Order – A153 (Between New Lane, Tathwell & Old Main Road, Scamblesby); Bluestone Heath Road (Between Rowgate Hill & a point 1100m Northwest of A153); Highfield Lane. No Waiting & No Loading At Any Time Order – A153 (Between New Lane, Tathwell & Old Main Road, Scamblesby); Bluestone Heath Road (Between Rowgate Hill & a point 1100m Northwest of A153); Highfield Lane. 40mph Speed Limit Order – A153 (Between Ranyard Lane, Goulceby & a point 900m North of New Lane, Tathwell). 30mph Speed Limit Order – A153 (Between Old Main Road, Scamblesby & a point 250m North of Highfield Lane); Bluestone Heath Road (Between Rowgate Hill & a point 1100m Northwest of A153); Highfield Lane. No Right Turn Order – From Bluestone Heath Road onto Highfield Lane; From A153 Horncastle Road onto A16 Louth Bypass. No Left Turn Order – From Bluestone Heath Road onto Highfield Lane; From Highfield Lane onto Bluestone Heath Road.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 25/08/2023 – 28/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 3 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – High Holme Road (Between Half Acre & North Holme Road)
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 29/08/2023 – 31/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 3 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Eastgate (Between Northgate & Priory Road); Church Street (Between Eastgate & Newmarket); Queen Street (Between Burnt Hill Lane & Church Street); Kidgate (Between Cinder Lane & Church Street). No Waiting and No Loading at Any Time Order – Eastgate (Between Northgate and Priory Road); Church Street (Between Eastgate & Newmarket); Queen Street (Between Burnt Hill Lane & Church Street); Kidgate (Between Cinder Lane & Church Street). Suspension of One-Way Order – Kidgate (Between Cinder Lane & Church Street).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 29/08/2023 – 18/09/2023, various nights (Restrictions to be implemented for 12 days and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – High Holme Road (Between Half Acre & North Holme Road).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 29/08/2023 – 31/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 3 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – Burst main.
LOCATION AND NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Union Street.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 31/07/2023 – 04/08/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
c. Enforcement
i. 94 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Louth, LN11 9DJ.
Nature of Investigation: Without planning permission the erection of a porch.
ELDC: Complaint has been investigated and it has been established that the current planning regulations have not been complied with and planning permission is required. ELDC have written to the owner informing them that planning permission is required and have invited them to submit a retrospective planning application, to regularise the breach of planning control, within the next 28 days.
d. Withdrawn Applications
i. N/105/01385/23 – Planning Permission: Instillation of solar panels to existing dwelling – 16 Kidgate, Louth, LN11 9HN – Withdrawn 28/07/2023.
P37. Proposed Works to Trees
It was RESOLVED that the Committee would support the following proposed tree work:
a. Location: 2 St. Mary’s Park. Proposal: G3 – 3 Common Lime, 3 Scots Pine, 1 Norway Spruce, 3 Copper Beech, 2 Sycamore, 1 European Larch, 4 Silver Birch, 1 Western Red Cedar and 2 Horse Chestnut remove. Reasons: G3 – Restricting light to, and hindering development of adjacent Birch tree.
b. Location: Kidgate Primary Academy. Proposal: T1 – Ash – Crown lift to 3 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. T2 – Turkey Oak – Crown lift to 3 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. T3 – Purple Plum – Crown lift to 2.5 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. T4 – English Oak – Crown lift to 2.5 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. Crown reduction and re-shape of lateral spread to a maximum finished tree height of 6 metres, and no pruning to exceed 3 cm diameter. T5 – Field Maple – Prune back leaders and reshape the crown to a minimum tree height of 6 metres. Crown lift to 3 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. T6 – English Oak – Crown lift to 2.5 metres, to a maximum of 3 cm diameter to suitable growth point or removal. Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. T8 – Sycamore – Remove dead wood exceeding 3 cm. Crown reduction and sympathetic re-shape of lateral spread to a maximum finished tree height of 9 metres to suitable secondary/tertiary growth points. G7 – Silver Birch x 4 – Tallest tree to be reduced by 1.5-2 metres by removing main leader and gently and sympathetically reshaping. Remaining 3 trees to be reducing marginally in line with the group by around 0.5-1 metres. Trees to be reduced to a maximum of 8 metres.
NB. Cllr. DH left the room at 8pm before discussions of P37. b and re-entered once discussions finished at 8.02pm.
P38. Highways Maintenance Works – Eastgate/Church Street, Louth
The Committee noted that maintenance would take place on 9 working nights between the hours of 10pm and 6am between 29th August 2023 and 14th September 2023 on Eastgate/Church Street.
P39. NHT Survey
The Committee received a draft of corporate responses compiled by the Planning Working Group and RESOLVED to make the following changes:
a. Question 1. Amend answer regarding good local bus services from Fairly Important to Very Important.
b. Question 1. Amend answer regarding community transport from Fairly Important to Very Important.
c. Question 2. Amend answer regarding pavements from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied.
d. Question 2. Amend answer regarding community transport from Does Not Apply to Neither Nor.
P40. Licensing Act 2003 – Consultation Regarding Review of ELDC Licensing Policy
It was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee would make no corporate response to the Consultation Regarding Review of ELDC Licensing Policy.
P41. Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 29th August 2023.
The Meeting Closed at 8.12pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________