
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Planning Committee Meeting 31st October 2023

10-31-23 PLAN MINS


Councillor Mrs. S. Crew (SC) (in the chair).

Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB), J. Baskett (JB), J. Drake (JD), L. Frost (LF), D. Hobson (DH), M. Lamb (ML), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), J. Simmons (JS) and P. Starsmore (PS).

Councillors not present: M. Barnes (MB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), S. Evardson (SE), H. Filer (HF), G.E. Horton (GEH) and Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW).

The Town Clerk Mrs. L. M. Phillips, Town Clerk’s Assistant Miss. S. Chitauro and one member of the public were also present.

P68. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. MB, LMC, HF, GEH and Mrs. PFW.

P69. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:
a. Cllr. DH – Items 5, 6, 8 and 10 as a member of ELDC, and Planning Application 9 as an acquaintance of the applicant.
b. Cllr. ML – Planning Application 11 as a neighbour of the applicant.
c. Cllr. Mrs. JMS – Items 5, 6, 8 and 10 as a member of ELDC.

P70. Election of Vice Chairman
The Committee noted that the former Vice Chair of the Planning Committee had decided to step down from his position. It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr. PS to the position of Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee to hold office until the Annual Meeting of Louth Town Council in 2024.

P70. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 19th September 2023 be approved as the minutes.

P71. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 10-31-23) and RESOLVED as follows:
a. N/105/01968/23 – To object to this application, commenting that the vehicular access from the site is across a very narrow footpath onto a very busy junction with traffic lights which is very dangerous. The access into the site is also very narrow and would not be wide enough to allow emergency or refuse collection vehicles to pass.
b. N/105/01969/23 – To object to this application, commenting that the vehicular access from the site is across a very narrow footpath onto a very busy junction with traffic lights which is very dangerous. The access into the site is also very narrow and would not be wide enough to allow emergency or refuse collection vehicles to pass.
c. N/105/02017/23 – To object to this application as the property is in the AONB and it was felt that the proposals constitute garden grabbing which the Committee did not agree with. The Committee were also concerned about traffic access onto a small lane and felt that
e. there was some question of obstructing a neighbour’s front door. Councillors also wondered why the Ecological Report was redacted. Are there badger sets, bats and other wildlife?
f. To support all other applications.
P72. Planning Correspondence
The Committee noted the following planning correspondence:
a. ELDC Planning Decisions
i. ELDC Approved – N/105/01612/23 – Listed Building Consent (Alterations) – Kings Head, LN11 9JQ – LTC Supported 29/08/23.
ii. ELDC Approved – N/105/01633/23 – Listed Building Consent (Alterations) – Thornton House, LN11 9YQ – LTC Supported 29/08/23.
iii. ELDC Refused – N/105/01419/23 – Planning Permission – Land Adjacent to Raithby Water Treatment Works, Louth – LTC Objected 08/08/23.
iv. ELDC Approved – N/105/01720/23 – Planning Permission – Endoscopy Unit, Louth County Hospital, LN11 0EU – LTC Supported 19/09/23.
v. ELDC Approved – N/105/01812/23 – Planning Permission – 10 Southlands Avenue, LN11 8EW – LTC Supported 10/10/23.
vi. ELDC Approved – N/105/01625/23 – Listed Building Consent (Alterations) – 17 Market Place, LN11 9PD – LTC Supported 19/09/23.
b. Temporary Traffic Restrictions
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New network installation.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Abbey Road (Between St. Bernard’s Avenue and Park Avenue).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 06/11/2023 – 10/11/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Water main repairs.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Love Lane (Between Westgate and a point 50m south).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 06/11/2023 – 17/11/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 12 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Carriageway micro-resurfacing.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Louth: Holmes Close (Between Mill Lane and End); Welbeck Way (Between Mill Lane and End); Mill Lane (Between High Holme Road and End); Havelock Close (Between Hawker Drive and End); Simons Close (Between Pasture Drive and End); Beck Way (Between Pasture Drive and End); Hawker Drive/Pasture Drive (Between Stewton Lane and Graye Drive); Alder Close (Between Pasture Drive and End); Albany Place (Between Albany Road and End); Brookside Close (Between Bartongate and End); Bartongate (Between Albany Road and End); Albany Road (Between Kenwick Road and End).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 21/08/2023 – 30/11/2023, 07:30 to 18:00 (Restrictions to be implemented for 78 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – New connection.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Market Place (Between Cornmarket and Eastgate).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 15/10/2023 – 15/10/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 day as and when required during this period. Signage to be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Remembrance Events/Parades.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Louth – Upgate; Mercer Row; Market Place; Eastgate; Northgate; Ramsgate.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 11/11/2023 and 12/11/2023 (Restrictions to be implemented for 2 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
P73. Proposed No Waiting At Any Time – Eastgate
The Committee RESOLVED to support a proposal from LCC to introduce waiting restrictions on Eastgate in order to enhance safety of the school crossing patrol operating in the vicinity and increase visibility for traffic on the southern approach to this area.

P74. Sub-Regional Strategy Consultation
The Committee received a draft corporate response to the above, compiled by the Planning Working Group and RESOLVED to ratify this but amend section 20 to read: 1) Support and improve Market Towns. 2) Expansion of industrial estate land in inland towns. 3) A16, the spine of the region, needs upgrading and improving to ensure business can move freely and encourage more businesses to relocate here. 4) Funding should be shared evenly between all towns, not just between coastal towns and there should be more consultation with LCC on issues to avoid projects/changes such as those implemented recently as part of the Active Travel Scheme which had a huge detrimental impact on the viability of the town. 5) Need to ensure that the East of Lincolnshire is fully protected in the event of devolution. 6) There should be increased inter Council communication between all 3 tiers of local government.

P75. Rural Market Town Group
After discussions, the Committee RESOLVED to nominate the following Councillors to be sounding board representatives on the Rural Market Town Group:
a. Main Representative – The Town Clerk, who will receive communications relevant to the RMTG.
b. Older People – Cllr. Mrs. JMS, who will be contacted to consult on issues concerning these groups to support national campaigning.
c. Young People – Cllr. LF, who will be contacted to consult on issues concerning these groups to support national campaigning.

P76. Polling District/Polling Places Review 2023
The Committee noted that ELDC was required to undertake a review of all polling districts and polling places by 17th November 2023 with the aim of ensuring that all electors have reasonable facilities for voting and to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practical the polling places are accessible to disabled electors. It was RESOLVED that, in its corporate response, the Committee would suggest hiring the Church House at St. James’ Church as a polling place for St. Mary’s Ward and suggest The Sessions House as a replacement polling place for the British Legion Hall in St. James’ Ward.

P77. Planning Considerations
Following discussions on 10th October, where it was resolved that Councillors would submit suggestions for a ‘local list’ of expenditure that they would like to see in their ward, Councillors noted that the following ideas had been submitted:
St. Margaret’s Ward
a. The garden area of Lime Grove needs refurbishing.
b. Dog/rubbish bins in new estates, St. James’ View, Tuxworth Way.
c. The roadway between the Industrial Estate and Brackenborough Road (a condition on planning) never built.
d. The parking slots opposite the Post Office on Brackenborough Road (a planning condition) never built.
The Town Clerk suggested that the Council set another date by which Councillors should submit their comments. It was RESOLVED that the new deadline for submitting comments would be 6th December 2023 and that Councillors comments could be made about the town as a whole, rather than being limited to their respective wards.

P78. Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 21st November 2023.

The Meeting Closed at 9.59pm.


Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________