07-16-24 PLAN MINS
Councillor P. Starsmore (PS) (in the chair).
Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB), M. Barnes (MB), J. Baskett (JB), J. Drake (JD), H. Filer (HF), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), D. Moore (DM), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), J. Simmons (JS), D.E. Wing (DEW).
Councillors not present: L.M. Cooney (LMC).
The Town Clerk Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Miss S. Chitauro and Ms Claire Brown from End Domestic Abuse Now (EDAN) Lincs were also present.
Public Forum
• Cllr. JS thanked Cllrs. for their recent support.
• Cllr. JS drew Cllrs. attention to a document detailing the remit, responsibilities of and action plan of the Louth Town Plan Working Group.
• Cllr. HF gave an update on the former Royal British Legion Hall, the acquisition of which as a community asset was then briefly discussed by the Council. It was suggested that the subject be included on a future agenda.
P23. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. LMC.
P24. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:
a. Cllr. DH – Items 5, 6, 7 and 8 as an East Lindsey District (ELDC) Councillor.
b. Cllr. GEH – Items 5, 6, 7, 8 as an ELDC Councillor.
c. Cllr Mrs. JMS – Items 5, 6, 7, 8 as an ELDC Councillor.
P25. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 18th June 2024 be approved as the minutes.
P26. Presentation from EDAN Lincs (Ending Domestic Abuse Now in Lincolnshire)
Ms Clare Brown introduced herself as a specialist domestic abuse practitioner for EDAN Lincs. She started the presentation by explaining that EDAN Lincs were a county-wide domestic abuse service, and that the Outreach service is known as the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) which consisted of 68 employees and provided adult support with an excess of 230 active cases of people who may not need refuge but require support or signposting. Ms Brown continued that each employee held up to 25 cases, and that the support hub received in excess of 10,000 enquiries from members of the public between April 2023 and April 2024. Ms Brown explained that the Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors (IDAA’s) had over 251 open cases in addition to 230 cases which were supported by the Outreach service. She informed the Committee that there was an Outreach Engagement Team which connected communities in Lincolnshire and raised awareness of the service and worked with other agencies and partners to provide positive outcomes for people who had experienced domestic abuse, and that there were 9 groups in the county who were training others to spot the signs of domestic abuse. Ms Brown told the Committee that the Refuge accommodation for Louth consisted of 5 2-bedroom self-contained flats and that there were also 4, soon to be 6, dispersed properties in the community. Over the course of the last financial year, the Louth Refuge had supported in excess of 20 families and 27 children. She disclosed that the last 2 vacancies available in Louth had up to 66 referrals, giving indication of the necessity for the service. Ms Brown acknowledged that there had been an increase in the need for specialist support which related to drugs, alcohol and mental health, and said that staff had to ensure that they could manage the risk to the individual. She told the Committee that they had been lucky to receive funding towards the hub in the Refuge, in which 1-1 support meetings could be held, residents could cook for other residents or socialise. She stated that, even though the service received social funding, the staff often raised funds outside of working hours, and that, over the summer, they were raising money for days out and activities for the children who used the service. The floor was opened to questions from the Committee. One Councillor asked whether residents came from outside of Louth, how long they stayed at the Refuge and how successful EDAN was in keeping them away from their abusers. Ms Brown responded that they had a requirement that a referral to the service had to be from a certain distance from the Refuge, and that it could depend on the area they had applied for housing. Unfortunately, not everyone was successfully housed in Louth. She stated that the success rate was good, and support was bespoke for each resident. Ms Brown continued that the IDAA’s were clear about their expectations from each resident from the point of referral. A second Councillor asked about the schooling of new residents’ children, to which Ms Brown replied that Child and Young Person Workers were available to support the parent, helping them apply for a place at a local school in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council, which was usually finalised within a week. Another Councillor expressed that the Council had invited EDAN to present to the Committee after researching a worldwide domestic abuse organisation called White Ribbon, and opined that they would like to extend support to a more local organisation. They then asked if Ms Brown was aware of the organisation, to which Ms Brown stated she was aware of it and would ask her manager for their feedback on the initiative. A Councillor asked Ms Brown how Louth Town Council could support EDAN and their work, and asked how they were funded. Ms Brown replied that any support would be greatly appreciated, and that funding was largely supplied by LCC, and that residents applied for housing benefit once they arrive at the Refuge. She further explained that each resident paid a £35 service charge and an additional £5 per child. A Councillor then asked whether there were collection points in Louth for the donation of toiletries. Ms Brown replied that there are various collection points around Lincolnshire, however there are none specifically in Louth. She said that they have previously held charity evenings and market stalls with collection buckets for donations. Ms Brown finalised by telling the Committee that if someone is concerned for someone in the community, they can contact 01522 510041, selecting option 1 to speak to Refuge or option 2 to speak to the Triage Outreach and get advice. She explained that Outreach supported those within the community who were experiencing domestic abuse but were not ready to reside at refuge. She also explained that they could call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline and the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service website: https://ldass.org.uk. The Committee thanked Ms Brown for her presentation.
P27. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 07-16-24) and RESOLVED as follows.
a. To support all applications.
P28. Planning Correspondence
The Committee noted the following planning correspondence:
a. ELDC Planning Decisions
i. ELDC Approved – N/105/00652/24 – Planning Permission – High View, Charles Street, LN11 0LB – LTC Supported 30/04/24.
ii. ELDC Approved – N/105/00628/24 – Outline Planning Permission – Land Adjacent to 23 Legbourne Road, Louth – LTC Supported 30/04/24.
iii. ELDC Approved – N/105/00728/24 – Planning Permission – 5 Pasture Drive, LN11 8XA – LTC Supported 28/05/24.
iv. ELDC Approved – N/105/00726/24 – Section 73 Application – Eversley, Bridge Street, LN11 0DR – LTC Supported 28/05/24.
v. ELDC Approved – N/105/00682/24 – Listed Building Consent (Alterations) – 18 Westgate, LN11 9YH – LTC Supported 28/05/24.
vi. ELDC Approved – N/105/00712/24 – Planning Permission – 41 Lee Street, LN11 9HJ – LTC Objected 28/05/24.
vii. ELDC Approved – N/105/00750/24 – Planning Permission – 11 Mercer Row, LN11 9JG – LTC Supported 28/05/24.
b. Temporary Traffic Restrictions
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New water connection.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Broadbank (Between High Holme Road and Temple Terrace).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 21/07/24 – 21/07/24, 08:00 to 18:00 (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 day as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Scaffold installation.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Cisterngate (Between Broadbank and Greys Road).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 22/07/24 – 05/08/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 14 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New sign installation.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Gospelgate (Between George Street and Upgate). Suspension of One Way Order: Gospelgate.
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 22/07/24 – 05/08/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 day as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Sink hole investigation and repair.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Broadbank (Between Northgate and Spout Yard Car Park).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 08/07/24 – 08/07/2024, 09:00 to 17:00 (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 day as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – Leaking main.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Charles Street (Between Millers Court and Newbridge Hill)
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 01/07/24 – 05/07/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period. Signage to be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New electrical connection.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Stewton Lane (Between 650m and 800m east of Hawker Drive).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 29/07/24 – 02/08/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period. Signage will be displayed on site in advance).
REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New water connection.
NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Northgate (Between Eastgate and a point 40m north).
PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 25/07/24 – 27/07/24 (Amended date), overnight 18:00 to 06:00 only (Restrictions to be implemented for 2 days as and when required during this period. Signage to be displayed on site in advance).
c. Enforcement
i. Location: 174 Eastgate, LN11 9AG. Nature of Investigation: 1) Painting of a wall adjacent to the highway. 2) Installation of UPVC windows and a front door on a property subject to an Article 4 Direction within the Louth Conservation Area. Conclusion: An investigation into the above has now taken place and it has been established that no breach of planning control has taken place for either issue.
P29. Proposed Works to Trees
The Committee considered the following proposed works to trees and it was RESOLVED to support the following:
a. Location: 6 St. Mary’s Park. Proposals: A1 – Ash, Beech, Birch, Cedar, Chestnut, Elm, Fir Oak, Sycamore – T1 on plan (Sycamore) removal of four lower branches. Reasons: A1 – To improve light into the property and garden.
P30. Louth Market Place Proposed Waiting/Loading Restrictions
Following a meeting with the LCC officer who oversaw the above on 3rd July 2024, the Committee RESOLVED to support the proposed No Waiting/No Loading At Any Time and proposed Goods Vehicle Loading Mon – Sat 8am to 6pm restrictions on Louth Market Place.
P31. London Road – Proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time’
The Committee received and considered the proposal for No Waiting at Any Time restrictions at London Road. It was RESOLVED to support the proposal.
P32. Eastgate – Proposed Goods Vehicle Loading Only 6am – 8pm
The Committee received the aforementioned proposal, and, after discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the proposed Goods Vehicle Loading Only 6am – 8pm at Eastgate.
P33. LCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan Survey
The Committee received a draft response to the Lincolnshire County Council Rights of Way Improvement Plan compiled by the Planning Working Group, and it was RESOLVED to submit the following corporate response:
a. Question 5 – This would be best put to and answered by local groups and members of the public, such as pram users (Louth Mummies) or disabled members of the public (Euans Guide) who use the routes around the area and larger county.
b. Question 6 – All rights of way should be protected, regardless of their current usage, high or low traffic, as future generations may require these access routes to be accessible. We would particularly support a focus on signposted circular routes of all types with appropriate surfaces and access for people with different abilities. We would also support signposting to access points for such routes starting from local car parking and village and town centres.
c. Question 7 – As per Question 5, these groups would need to be consulted.
d. Question 8 – 18 – N/A.
P34. Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 6th August 2024.
The Meeting Closed at 8.24pm.
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________