05-23-23 CR MINS
Councillor J. Simmons (JS), (in the chair).
Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), M. R. Barnes (MRB), J. Baskett (JB), L. M. Cooney (LMC), Mrs. S. Crew (SC), J. Drake (JD), H. Filer (HF), L. Frost (LF), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GH), M. Lamb (ML). Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS)
Councillors not present: P. Starsmore (PS).
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Miss S. Chitauro, Mr. J. Timson, Sergeant K. Palmer and 5 members of the public were also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum as follows:
• A lady proposed that the Charles Street Recreation Ground be used as a community initiative to develop green spaces, aiming to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the community. She stated that it would be beneficial to work with local business to maintain all green spaces in Louth, such as the tennis courts and croquet area.
• A second lady enquired about the fishing pond at the Charles Street Recreation ground. She stated that the pond is fenced off, but people easily get into the area, which makes her upset for the fishermen who use the pond. She was interested to know who is responsible for the space, who currently looks after the area and the possible future for the area.
• Andrew Leonard, District Councillor for the Ward in which Charles Street Recreation Ground is located in, stated that he thought the financial cost and liability involved with the Charles Street Recreation Ground would be too high. He was concerned about the anti-social behaviour taking place in the grounds over the years and did not believe that the Town Council had the manpower to make owning the Recreation Ground work.
C1. Election of Community Resources Committee Chairman
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. DH be elected as Chairman. Cllr. DH took the Chair.
C2. Election of Community Resources Committee Vice Chairman
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. LMC be elected as Vice Chairman.
C3. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. PS.
C4. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
a. Cllrs. Mrs JMS, GEH and DH – agenda item 8 – as members of ELDC.
C5. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Community Resources Committee Meeting held on 4th April 2023 be approved as the Minutes.
C6. Louth Police
Sgt. Palmer reported that the number of PCSO’s in Lincolnshire is to be reduced by 40 by October, which will leave Louth with two PCSO’s, one sergeant and two beat managers by this time. This is due to the Vulnerability Locator Index which is used to place PCSO’s and which takes criteria such as free school meals and criminality rates into account. She opined that whilst two seems like a low number of PCSO’s, it is good compared to other areas. Councillors asked if there was anything the Council could do to help the police. Sgt. Palmer confirmed that lobbying the PCC was all LTC could do and reporting all instances of crime would be very beneficial if the public could be encouraged to do that. She said that lobbying ultimately leads the police to spend money where the community want it and community engagement funding is based on how much crime is reported. She urged people to report crimes by calling 999 and 101 and reach out over social media or email.
C7. Presentation by Mr. J. Timson
Mr. Timson gave an update regarding the planning application for a 3G astroturf pitch proposed for Wood Lane. He confirmed that ELDC had withdrawn the original application but that he fully expected they would reapply. He reported that the CEO of Lincolnshire Gateways Academy had told him that ELDC had not consulted with them properly about the possibility of placing the 3G on the Cordeaux field and he was hopeful that talks between them might also take place. He reported that his intention, if ELDC reapply on the Wood Lane site is to vehemently oppose the application. He was to set up a Green Space group which would protect and improve green spaces in the town and would have a budget to provide new equipment and undertake some maintenance. His dream was for that group to become a registered charity not just a fundraiser.
C8. Charles Street Recreation Ground
A lengthy discussion took place about the future of the Recreation Ground. Council felt, at that stage, it was a wider issue and was not just about it taking ownership. It was RESOLVED that Louth Town Council should enter into discussions with ELDC about bringing the Recreation Ground back into recreational use.
C9. Hedgehog Highway Project
Following discussions about the Hedgehog Highway Project, it was RESOLVED that Louth Town Council would liaise with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust about the sustainability of the project before moving forward with it.
C10. Coronation of King Charles III
After considering the time passed since the Coronation of King Charles III and the cost of the planter, it was RESOLVED not to proceed with plans to acquire a metal decorative planter to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III.
C11. Working Group
It was RESOLVED that the Asset Working Group be re-established, its remit to remain unchanged and its membership to be as follows: Cllrs LF, DH (Chair CR), GH, MB, LMC, HF, JMS, JS, ML.
C12. Next Meeting
It was noted that the next scheduled meeting of the Community Resources Committee would take place on 11th July 2023.
The Meeting Closed at 8.55pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________