
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Community Resources Committee Meeting 28th May 2024

05-28-24 CR MINS

ON TUESDAY 28th MAY 2024

Councillor J. Simmons (JS) (in the chair).

Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB), J. Baskett (JB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), J. Drake (JD), H. Filer (HF), L. Frost (LF), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), M. Lamb (ML), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), D. Moore (DM), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW) and D.E. Wing (DEW).

Councillors not present: M. Barnes (MB).

The Town Clerk Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant Miss. S. Chitauro were also present.


C1. Election of Community Resources Committee Chairman
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. DH be elected as Chairman of the Community Resources Committee.  Cllr. DH took the Chair.

C2. Election of Community Resources Committee Vice Chairman
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Mrs. KP be elected as Vice Chairman of the Community Resources Committee.

C3. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence to note.

C4. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
There following declarations of interest or dispensations made:
a. Cllr. Mrs. JMS – Item 9 as a member of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust.
b. Cllr. DEW – Item 9 as a member of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust.

C5. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Community Resources Committee Meeting held on 19th March 2024 be approved as the Minutes.

C6. Sessions House
The Committee noted that quotes had been sought for the services of Chartered Surveyors to appraise the Sessions House and provide a list of repairs that were needed, categorised by urgency.  It was RESOLVED to approve the Town Clerk and CR Committee Chairman to consider the quotes received and engage a Chartered Surveyor as per Financial Regulations (as long as cost was between £1,000 and £5,000) and that costs would be taken from the EMR Accommodation.

C7. Christmas
The Committee:
a. Received an update from the Town Clerk regarding Christmas, who informed the Committee that the Christmas light switch on would take place at the Victorian themed Christmas market on the 28th November 2024, organised by the Louth Town Action Group, to open the event.
b. RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Town Clerk to make arrangements along the same lines as in previous years, provided that costs were contained within budget, and to accept the kind offer of a free real tree from Mr. Strawson.
c. Noted that they should submit ideas to the Town Clerk by 3rd July, of any possible other ways to decorate the town centre for Christmas that does not require significant attachments on street light columns or electricity.

C8. Working Group
It was RESOLVED to re-establish the Asset Working Group under its previous remit and increase the membership of the group to 11 members, with the addition of Cllrs. PS and DM.
Membership 11
Req. Cllrs. Chairman CR and GF Committees + 9 others
Members in 24/25 Cllrs: DH (Chair CR), GF Chair, HF, MB, LF, JMS, GEH, LMC, JS, PS, DM
Remit To review all Assets of Louth Town Council to ensure best use etc., and bring recommendations back to the Community Resources Committee.
Delegated Powers None
Meetings As required


C9. Hubbard’s Hills Future Management
The Committee received an update and possible options paper from the Hubbard’s Hills Working Group regarding the future management of Hubbard’s Hills.  After discussion, it was RESOLVED that Councillors should submit their thoughts regarding the options to the Town Clerk by 7th June 2024, which thoughts would be collated into a pros and cons document and circulated to Councillors with the agenda for 18th June for discussion that evening and; if the Council deemed it necessary on 18th June a further standalone meeting would be held on the 25th June 2024 to discuss the matter further.

C10. Closed Session Items
The Committee resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following items, information being of a third party, commercial, confidential and legal nature with regard to the following:
a. Julian Bower Field
The Committee received an update on the field and it was RESOLVED to renew the grazing lease for 2024/25 and, during the interim, the Town Clerk would investigate the value of the land to enable the Council to consider its future.
b. Old Mill House
The Committee received legal correspondence regarding Old Mill House and RESOLVED to:
i. Authorise £2,000 expenditure from the EMR Contingency budget head on obtaining advice from Barrister.
ii. Sign a letter of engagement which would set out the basis on which Louth Town Council’s solicitors would act going forward.
iii. Approve payment of unbilled charges incurred with solicitors, which totaled £701.
iv. Delegate continued authority to the Town Clerk to progress the matter, in liaison with the relevant Chairmen, if necessary, seeking a valuation from the District Valuer and an insurance valuation of the property and incurring expenditure as required e.g., with solicitors or the District Valuer.

C11. Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Community Resources Committee meeting was 16th July 2024.


The Meeting Closed at 10.04pm


Signed_______________________ (Chairman)               Dated_________________________