
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of Planning Committee 9th November 2021




Present                                                Councillor S. Crew (SC) (in the chair)


Councillors:       Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J Baskett (JB), L. Cooney (LMC), A. Cox (AC), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), G. Horton (GEH), A. Leonard (AL), K. Norman (KN), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT) and Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW).


Councillors not present: M. Bellwood (MB), H. Filer (HF), D. Jackman (DJ), J. Simmons (JS) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent and 10 members of the public were also present.


Public Forum

·        A member of the public addressed the Council as the person who would be living in the proposed house (Planning application 5). He explained that he, his wife and the applicant (owner of the land) were all of one mind in that the house would be ‘hidden’ (flat roof of grass) and not impact on the area or neighbours. It would be as unobtrusive as possible and trees would be planted around the perimeter to further shield the area.

·        A member of the public spoke on planning application 5 and expressed concern that the amount of disruption at the end of the ‘Bowling Green Lane’ would be significant and that after the build parking would not be allowed on the lane. A member of the public reported that it was 6 or 7 of the residents that owned the lane privately.

·        A member of the public asked if the Planning Committee set conditions for builders, it was confirmed that these conditions could be put in place by ELDC, and that Louth Town Council were only consultees.

·        The applicant (PA5) reported that the original resident who spoke had sent letters out to all neighbours, and that she herself had a very large drive that would support 6-7 vehicles so this could be used during the build for parking.


P41.         Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Cllrs. MB, HF, DJ, JS and DEW.


P42.         Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:

a.      Cllr. Mrs. JMS – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC.

b.     Cllr. AL – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC, PA 5 as known to them.

c.      Cllr. DJEH – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC and its Planning Committee and item 6 as the tenant.

d.     Cllr. Mrs. PFW  – PA 5 as a resident on St Mary’s Lane (although not near to PA5).

e.      Cllr. FWPT – PA 1 and 6 as known to them.

f.       Cllr. GEH – PA 1 as had discussions with ELDC Planning department and applicant regarding this application.

g.      Cllr. Mrs. EB – PA 3 as a Director of the Golf Club.


P43.         Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12th October 2021 be approved as the Minutes.


P44.         Applications received by the Local Planning Authority

The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 11-09-21) and RESOLVED as follows:

a.      N/105/02176/21 – Louth Golf Club – Louth Town Council was not against this in principle but felt the proposals, in the curtilage of the AONB were not aesthetically pleasing.  The building was very close to dwellings and if it was to be floodlit the Council were concerned that this and noise from the development would cause a nuisance to neighbours.  The Council wondered if there was a more suitable site.

b.      N/105/02137/21 – Land to the North of Julian Bower – Louth Town Council noted that it had objected to this application on numerous occasions previously and wished to reiterate all of those objections again.  Having considered this most recent application on 9th November 2021 Louth Town Council again wished to continue to object especially to the removal of conditions 18 and 21.  No details of the footpath link had been provided, despite asking to vary the condition.  Louth Town Council considered that all applications should be clear and as Great Crested Newts are a protected species Louth Town Council believed it would be illegal to remove condition 18.

c.      N/159/00281/21 – Thorpe Hall – Louth Town Council continued to strongly object as previously on the grounds that this application is totally inappropriate for a Grade II* listed property. The gardens were laid down in 1906 by Gertrude Jekyll the famous and celebrated garden designer, the rest is a “Deer Park” of renown. This is one of the most important houses in Louth. It is very close to the roundabout in a 60mph speed limit so could have very poor access problems. The Civic Trust strongly object. There has been no historical assessment. The Environment Agency and the Council are concerned that there are no drainage plans. It can be seen that the land drains downhill towards the river Lud, details of the proposed drainage scheme are a necessity. The property is in the AONB and within the curtilage of the Gertrude Jekyll gardens. The Council is not against progress but feel that this sort of venture needs to be good quality and has got to be the right development in the right place. The Council wants the town to flourish, nothing stays the same, everything changes but it is looking after its heritage for the generations to come. Thorpe Hall has been in existence since the 1600’s and it is really important that it is ensured that it be there for future generations and the grounds are integral to the house and history of the site.

d.      All other applications were supported.


NB: During this item Cllr. Mrs. EB left the room at 7:25pm returning at 7:29pm for PA 3 (Louth Golf Club) was discussed due to a declaration of interest. Cllr. Mrs. PFW left the room at 8:53pm and returned at 8:54pm to take a phone call.


P45.         Planning Correspondence
The Council noted the following planning correspondence:

a.      ELDC Planning Decisions

i.     Approved – N/105/ 01493/21– Planning Permission – Land off Keddington Road – LTC Supported

ii.     Approved– N/105/01646/21 – Planning Permission – Plot 5 Lincoln Way – LTC Supported

iii.     Approved – N/105/01737/21 – Section 73 – Land adjacent 54 Brackenborough Road – LTC Supported

iv.     Approved – N105/01542/21 – Planning Permission – Land at Bennett Road and Bolingbroke Road – LTC Supported

b.     Enforcement
New Orleans Jazz Club – Issue of a Section 215 Notice in relation to untidy building.
13 & 13a Cornmarket – confirmation of work being undertaken
32-34 Mercer Row – Untidy land and building – Issue of Section 215 Notice

c.      Traffic Regulation Orders

i.     Organisation responsible for restriction: Various local organisations associated with the Royal British Legion
Reason for restriction: Remembrance Day Events
Location and nature of restriction: Upgate, Mercer Row, Market Place, Eastgate, Northgate, Ramsgate
Period of restriction: 14/11/21

ii.     Organisation responsible for restriction: Louth Independent Traders
Reason for restriction: To enable social distancing on pavement cafes
Location and nature of restriction: Cornmarket
Period of restriction: Closures now extended to 29/9/22

iii.     Organisation responsible for restriction: Anglian Water
Reason for restriction: New connection
Location and nature of restriction: Fulmar Drive between Brackenborough Road and Swallow Drive
Period of restriction: Closures now extended to 22/11/21-24/11/21

iv.     Organisation responsible for restriction: Louth and District Lions Club and Rotary of Louth
Reason for restriction: Bonfire Event
Location and nature of restriction: Elkington Road between A16 roundabout and St Marys/Westgate Junction
Period of restriction: Closures now extended to 6/11/21 between 17:00 an 21:00

v.     Organisation responsible for restriction: Tyme Flyes
Reason for restriction: Craft and Flea Market Events
Location and nature of restriction: Cornmarket, Butcher Lane, Market Place Car Park
Period of restriction: 14/11/2021, 28\11/2021, 12/12/2021


P46.         Proposed Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order
The following proposed Tree Works was noted:
Location: 51 Kidgate.  Proposals: Remove – T1 – Pear, T2 and T3 – Apple, T4 – Bay.  Reasons: Trees too close to property and boundary walls.  (Trees were planted by tenants without the landlord’s permission.


NB: During this item Cllr. DJEH left the room (declaration of interest) returning at the end of the meeting.

Cllr. AC left the meeting at 8:05pm.


P47.         Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 7th December 2021.


The Meeting Closed at 8:10pm.






Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________