
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Members Allowance Policy

MEMBERS ALLOWANCE POLICY – last reviewed June 2024, due for review June 2025

Payment of the prescribed rates of travelling allowance to Members of the Town Council in accordance with The Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003:


Members may claim Allowances for an ‘approved duty’ which Louth Town Council has decided will include the following:


  1. The attendance at a training course, conference or meeting as approved by the Council.



  1. Travelling Allowances

    This allowance will only be paid for ‘approved duties’ as specified in section 26(1) of the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003. Louth Town Council has determined these approved duties to be as set out in the above paragraph a):


‘The undertaking of an approved duty on behalf of the Council such action as having been previously authorised by the Council’.


Where Members travel by public transport, (not including taxi or private hire), allowances will be paid for the exact amount evidenced by a receipt submitted to Louth Town Council.

Members are expected to travel by the cheapest form of public transport to venues out of the region and where it is cheaper than the car mileage allowance reclaimable.

Members will receive the agreed travel costs and are expected to liaise with other Members attending the same training course to limit the number of claims submitted.  Members will be entitled to claim a mileage allowance not exceeding the current rate set by HMRC.


Members may have use of the Council van to travel to a venue if the van is available at that time. (A copy of the Members driving licence would be required prior to use).

  1. Council Employees

    Employees of the Council are entitled to claim for aforesaid travel and other allowances when attending approved courses, meetings and conferences as per the agreed terms and conditions of employment.

  2. Claiming Procedure

    The claimant must make all claims for allowances in writing on the appropriate form available from the Town Clerk’s office. Payments will be made on receipts and or claim.

  3. The Office of Mayor

    The Mayor shall be able to claim such travel allowance in pursuant of his/her Mayoral duties throughout their term of office subject to the completion of the appropriate form available from the Town Clerk’s office. Payments will be made on receipts and or claim.

    All Civic Hospitality, to include Mayor Making, Civic Service and the Christmas Hospitality shall be catered for within the parameters of the budget set by Louth Town Council.  Any expense above and beyond this budget must be met by the Mayor of the day, unless previously authorised prior to the event.