Adopted August 2024
This Action Plan is a ‘live’ document and by necessity will change but it aims to provide Louth residents with a clear understanding of:
- The overarching principles and objectives that the Council strives to work to.
- The Council’s priorities / legal and best practice responsibilities for the coming Council year.
It should be noted that whilst some of the key issues facing the town are areas not directly under the control of the Council, it will seek to use its influence to ensure that other providers also respond to the needs and aspirations of Louth’s residents.
Key Principles
The Council’s main aim is to improve the quality of life for the residents of Louth and develop the local economy.
To achieve this, it will:
- Engage with residents to better understand the community’s needs, and consider how it will address these needs within the resources and powers available to the Town Council.
- Promote all things positive and look for solutions to all things negative in order to enhance the town.
- Provide good quality, cost-effective services to help meet the needs and wishes of residents.
- Make Louth a place of pride by promoting a clean, bright, attractive and safe environment in keeping with Louth’s traditions and sustainable development goals.
- Encourage and assist other bodies, voluntary organisations and partners to provide services that support the above.
- Promote the best interests of the town for the betterment of the local community.
Corporate Objectives
To develop the vitality, viability and positivity of the town.
- To lobby, consult, improve links with and listen to comments received from other statutory bodies, voluntary organisations and individuals to improve standards of service that meet with local needs.
- To work with partners to create and sustain a socially inclusive and caring community which embraces all its residents and seeks to develop their wellbeing, knowledge, understanding and mutual co-operation.
- To champion the provision of sufficient suitable affordable homes for the people with local connections to Louth, whilst safeguarding the environment in and around Louth from inappropriate development to maintain it for future generations.
- To create a healthy positive community by helping residents to have access to social, recreational and cultural facilities within the Town and to seek the continuing improvement and development of these facilities in accordance with the desires expressed by the residents.
- To work with others to protect the town and its residents from the impact of environmental change, including climate change.
- Ensure the Town Council is efficient, skilled and uses innovative ways, within its powers, to provide services in the most efficient and effective way.
- Improve the corporate image of the Council and promote democracy.
- Lobby to improve strategic traffic management and road infrastructure.
Priorities / Legal and Best Practice Responsibilities 2024/25
Statutory Duties/Powers
- Ensure that there is transparent information about payments, audit documents, budget and precept available.
- Comply with the law in completing annual accounts and audit activities.
- Ensure that all governing documents such as Standing Order and Financial Regulations, policies and procedures are up to date, have been reviewed and next review date is evident, as necessary.
- Continue to provide burials at Louth Cemetery.
- Continue to ensure assets are insured appropriately.
- Undertake headstone safety testing.
- Continue to provide allotments.
Corporate Development
- Promote training and ongoing support for members of staff and councillors.
- Ensure that the Council maintains relevant subscriptions to enable access to advice and training.
- Ensure that data protection regulations are met.
- Ensure that IT equipment meets requirements and support is in place.
- Ensure Civility and Respect Pledge parameters are met.
- Maintain good governance adhering to relevant benchmarks to achieve Foundation Award requirements of the Local Council Award Scheme.
- Develop a business plan covering a financial forecast for at least three years linked to revenue and capital plans for the council and its community
Communication and Consultation
- Ensure website is kept updated.
- Improve the Town Council’s Corporate Image
- Enhance biodiversity and protect the environment at the Cemetery.
- Undertake a tree survey at Louth Cemetery
- Represent the views and promote the interests of the people of Louth.
- Engage with the community, local businesses, community groups and organisations in Louth.
- Look to develop a community engagement policy involving two-way communication between council and community on facilities and services we provide such as Hubbard’s Hills and Cemetery.
- Listen, investigate and respond to issues identified by the people of Louth and, if appropriate, signpost to the correct person / organisation for resolution / further progression.
- Develop closer links with LCC and ELDC on joint interests such as town development.
Maintaining and Improving the Built and Natural Environment
- Investigate the repair, rejuvenation and repurposing of the Chapel at Louth Cemetery
- Continue to maintain St. Aethelheard’s Chapel.
- Improve aesthetics at the Cemetery
- Maintain Civic Property such as robes, chains, mayor’s boards and mace as required.
- Maintain church clock
- Fund electricity for church floodlights
- Continue to run the Lovely Louth Competition
- Continue to run the Festive Window Competition
- Continue to provide floral enhancement in the town centre and look to expand where possible
- Continue to cut the amenity grass on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council.
- Maintain Hubbard’s Hills
- Ensure that bins in its ownership are maintained and replaced if faulty.
- Liaise with other authorities if a new bin is requested.
- Maintain benches in its ownership and replace, as necessary.
- Continue to ensure that its assets remain available for the enjoyment of sporting activities
- Assist residents in retaining, maintaining, improving and promoting the use of public spaces where possible and appropriate.
- Develop a planned maintenance approach to Council assets.
- Engage with the community on issues related to the environment and climate change.
Supporting the Safety and Wellbeing of Residents
- Continue to provide funding to the Louth Citizen’s Advice Bureau
- Continue to contribute to Louth’s Flood Alleviation Scheme to ensure its continuation
- Work with and support local groups for the improvement of the facilities, environment and social and economic wellbeing in the community.
- Provide grants to local organisations through its yearly grant giving exercise
- Continue to erect and maintain reactive speed signs
Tradition and Culture
- Continue to provide Christmas lights and a feature Christmas tree for the town.
- Continue to uphold Civic Traditions such as Civic Sunday and Mayor Making
- Continue to organise and facilitate the town’s Remembrance Sunday parade and church service
- Continue to look after Louth’s War Memorial
- Maintain Louth’s 7 handmade, wooden entrance signs.
- Deliver beacon lighting event to commemorate 80 years since D-Day.
Working for Louth’s Future
- Consider how best to review Louth’s Town Plan.
- Work towards the revisions
- Develop a Neighbourhood Plan
- Engage with community groups and individuals to help shape the Council’s plans for the future.
- Develop proposals for enhancement of the town centre with LCC and ELDC.
- Develop a new management model for Hubbard’s Hills