
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Agenda for Tuesday 17th September 2024

Louth Town Council
The Sessions House, Eastgate,
Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 9AJ
01507 355895

To the Members of the Town Council of Louth:

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Louth Town Council’s Planning Committee and Community Resources Committee which will be held on Tuesday 17th September 2024 in The Old Court Room, The Sessions House, Eastgate, Louth at 7pm.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below.

There will be a 15 minute public forum between 6.45pm and 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is requested during this period. 

Please note, any public, wishing to speak in the public forum may do so on items which appear on the agenda or may ‘sit in’ on the meeting(s).  It would be much appreciated if any member of the public wishing to speak would please contact the Town Clerk, by emailing in advance of the meeting to discuss attendance arrangements.  Written representation can also be considered rather than attending in person. 

Members of the public should note that they will not be allowed to speak during the formal meeting.

Mrs. L.M. Phillips

Town Clerk

Dated this 11th Day of September 2024



(Chairman: Cllr. D. Hobson, Membership: All Cllrs.)

  1. Apologies for Absence
    To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting.
  2. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act.
  3. Minutes
    To approve as a correct record the notes of the Community Resources Committee meeting held on 16th July 2024. (Attached).
  4. Our Hall Louth Ltd
    Committee to receive an update on latest fundraising progress from the above group, be introduced to the name and details of a guarantor, as previously requested and discuss draft heads of terms for a guarantor agreement. Committee to note that, as per Council’s previous resolution the Town Clerk now needs to seek verification of the guarantor’s status and if satisfactory produce a loan agreement with the Council’s legal advisors.  Committee to resolve:

    1. Pending verification of the guarantor, a statement of funding intention may be provided to the vendor’s agent following the Council’s agreement in principle on 27th August 2024 to loan up to a maximum of £182,000 (interest rate 6.5% over a period of 15 years), as long as a guarantor could be provided, pending legal advice at that point.
    2. The start date of monthly repayments be deferred to a date when Our Hall Louth Ltd., have access to grant funding, thus facilitating the re-opening of some of the services that are proposed to be offered by the Hall, and therefore enabling them to generate income to meet the monthly repayments.  This proposed deferred date would be no sooner than six months and no later than one calendar year from the draw down date of the loan.  (If the Town Council are not receptive to this supplementary request, the group will seek alternative finance for this bridging period from a third party.)
    3. Draft heads of terms for a guarantor agreement be approved for use pending assessment/amendment by its legal advisors.
  1. Town Clerk’s Remarks

  2. Market Place Electric Box
    Committee to receive an update from the Town Clerk and consider also taking ownership from ELDC of the nearby feature lighting column located in the Market Place.
  3. Sessions House
    Councillors to receive hard copy (to be tabled) of a 5 year planned preventative maintenance report recently commissioned on the Sessions House and carried out by a Chartered Surveyor. Committee to approve that quotes for some of the more urgent repairs be sought and that work is undertaken dependent upon cost thresholds as set out in Financial Regulations.
  4. Hubbard’s Hills
    Following meetings with the Chairman of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust (HHT), the Trust’s current contractor and the owner of the adjacent farm/café the Hubbard’s Hills Working Group propose that:

    1. From 30th November, when the Council take back the Hills, its day to day management be overseen by the Town Clerk and as an interim and emergency measure the current HHT contractor be retained to ensure a smooth handover and continuity for the community. Their work to be supplemented as required by other outside contractors/the Council’s other staff as appropriate.  This to increase Council’s understanding of the management requirements and allow the calculation of appropriate budgets and task/job descriptions.
    2. The Hubbard’s Hills Working Group continue to run alongside the above as a management group.

  5. Closed Session Item
    Council to resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following items, information being of a third party, commercial, confidential and or legal nature in relation to Old Mill House. Committee to receive advice from Barrister, an update and consider the way forward.
  6. Next Meeting
    Committee to note that the date of the next scheduled Community Resources Committee meeting is 17th September 2024.


(Chairman: Cllr. P. Starsmore, Membership: All Cllrs.)

  1. Apologies for Absence
    To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting.
  2. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act.
  3. Minutes
    To approve as a correct record the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 27th August 2024. (Attached).
  4. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    To consider and make observations on all planning applications received including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 09-17-24). (Attached).
  5. Planning Correspondence
    Committee to note planning decisions, enforcement complaints, appeal decisions, temporary road closures etc., as advised by the District and County Council. (Attached).
  6. Proposed Work to Trees
    Committee to consider the following proposed works to trees:

    1. Location: Land adjacent 5 Primrose Hollow Proposals: G1 – Sycamore, Common Ash, Common Holly, Common Yew, Wych Elm – Ash marked on plan – trim bough back to house boundary. Holly marked on plan – reduce to leave a finished height of approx. 6m.  Reasons: G1 – Ash – For safety reasons (Ash die back).  Holly – to maintain stability. 
  7. Next Meeting
    Committee to note that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting is 8th October 2024.