
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

DRAFT Minutes for the Town Council Meeting 14th January 2025

01-14-25 TC MINS

The Deputy Mayor, Cllr. D. Hobson (DH) (in the chair).

Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB), M. Barnes (MB), J. Baskett (JB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), J. Drake (JD), G.E. Horton (GEH), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), D. Moore (DM), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP), P. Starsmore (PS), Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW).

Councillors Not Present: LMC, H. Filer (HF), D.E. Wing (DEW).

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Miss. S. Chitauro, and one member of the public were also present.

T56. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. LMC who would be arriving late to the meeting,

T57. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following dispensations were made:
a. Cllr. DH – Item 7 as a member of East Lindsey District Council (ELDC).
b. Cllr. GEH – Item 7 as a member of ELDC.
c. Cllr. Mrs. JMS – Item 7 as a member of ELDC.

T58. Town Clerks Remarks
The Town Clerk informed the Council that:
• Two quotes for the work recommended in the first year to the Sessions House had been received and that a third had been requested.  The quotes were to be brought to the Community Resources Committee meeting on 4th February 2025 for consideration.
• A response had been received from the Council’s solicitor regard Old Mill House and the matter was moving forward.  The Town Clerk imparted that it was likely that an update and resolution on the way forward would be required at the Community Resources Committee meeting on 4th February 2025.
• Neither the lease with the London Road Sports Partnership or the Deed of Surrender had not been signed, but funding had been released as agreed on 19th November 2024.
• Further to previous discussion, a purchase price of £30,000 had been agreed for Trinity Allotments and that searches were being undertaken.
• Repairs to the Horncastle Road Kissing Gate had been undertaken and the gate had been reinstalled.
• A risk assessment undertaken by the Council’s insurer had taken place and that she was awaiting the subsequent report.  Changes to the storing of the Council’s Civic Regalia had been made.

T59. Minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the notes of the Council Meeting held on the 19th November 2024 be approved as the minutes.

T60. Committee Minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to confirm receipt of the minutes and adopt the resolutions contained therein of the following Committee Meetings:
a. Planning Committee – 8th October 2024
b. Planning Committee – 29th October 2024
c. Planning Committee – 19th November 2024
d. Governance and Finance Committee – 8th October 2024
e. Community Resources Committee – 17th September 2024

T61. Precept
a. The Chairman of the meeting made the Council aware that the Lovely Louth budget contained £400.00 which was to cover both the Lovely Louth and Festive Window Competitions, but that the Floral Enhancement Work Group were considering not running the Lovely Louth Competition in 2025/26 which could result in the entire budget not being spent.  Upon recommendation from the Governance and Finance Committee made on 10th December 2024, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the budget be approved which resulted in a precept request for 2025/26 of £349,918.64, equating to an annual cost for a Band D property of £59.81 (using updated Tax Base figures provided by ELDC).
b. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Town Clerk to complete the necessary form to be submitted to ELDC (Collection Authority).

T62. Town and Parish Council Scrutiny Survey
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to ratify the corporate response to the above as resolved on 10th December 2024, which was submitted to meet the deadline of 6th January 2025.

T63. Civic Matters
a. Funeral Arrangements – the Council noted that the funeral of Cllr. Mrs. J. Simmons was to take place on 23rd January 2025.
b. Mayoral Succession – following the passing of Cllr. Mrs. J. Simmons, the Council considered whether to elect a successor or to allow the current Deputy Mayor to fulfil obligations as necessary, with expenses to be taken from the Mayor’s day-to-day budget) until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2025.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the Deputy Mayor would continue to fulfil obligations as necessary until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2025.  The Council extended its thanks to Cllr. DH for his service.
c. Mayor’s Serjeant – the Council noted that the Mayor’s Serjeant had been asked to lead the funeral cortege into the church at Cllr. Mrs. J. Simmons funeral.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the use of the mace and Mayor’s Cap for the Cllr. Simmons’ funeral, with a Cllr. offering to pay any excess insurance that may be required for its usage, as a one-off gesture of thanks for her service as Mayor.

T64. Use of Room at the Sessions House
The Council received a request from a local knitting group to use the back room of the Sessions House for an hour, twice a week.  After discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to charge the group a nominal fee of £5.00, with the Governance and Finance Committee to look into creating a price structure for the future rent of rooms at the Sessions House.

T65. Grants
The Council entered discussions to consider opening its grant process for year-round applications as of April 2025 instead of for only a few months of the year.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the grant application process would be opened for a trial period of 12 months, to be reviewed after a year.

T66. Sexual and General Harassment Training
Following the introduction of new legislation which placed greater responsibilities and legal requirements on all employers (including each individual Councillor) to take proactive steps to prevent sexual harassment at work, the Council adopted a policy for use on 22nd October, which was received by all Councillors with the Town Council Agenda for 19th November 2024 and 14th January 2025.  Councillors watched a short video on the above and signed to confirm that they had received, read, understood and would abide by the policy.

T67. Next Meeting
It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Town Council meeting was 25th March 2025.

The Meeting Closed at 8.36pm.



Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________