Louth Town Council Co-option Opportunity
Louth Town Council currently has vacancies for Councillors available to be filled by co-option. Council and Committee meetings take place on a Tuesday evening, generally once a fortnight.
Anyone interested in this position should read the documents below:
- Councillor Job Description/Person Specification
- About the Council
- Role Chairperson and Members at Meetings
- Councillors Seven Principles
- NALC – All About Local Councils
- Louth Town Council Code of Conduct
Following that, to be considered for the vacancy, please apply by sending a letter or email, registering your wish to be a Town Councillor, explaining why you would like to stand, what you feel you could bring to the Council, confirming how you meet the Job Description/Person Specification, confirming how you meet at least one of the qualifying criteria (see below) and confirming your contact details.
Letters of application should be sent to the Town Clerk, Mrs. Lynda Phillips at Louth Town Council, The Sessions House, Eastgate, Louth, LN11 9AJ, email:
Rules to qualify for co-option are:
• Registered as a local government elector for the Parish on the current Electoral Register.
• Has during the whole of the previous 12 months occupied as tenant or owner of any land or other premises in the Parish.
• His/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12 months has been in the Parish.
• Has resided either in the Parish or within 3 miles thereof during the whole of the previous 12 months.
For further information about the Town Council contact Mrs. Lynda Phillips email or call 01507 355895.
To find out who your Ward Councillor is:
1. Go to the Ward Maps for Louth to find out which ward you are in.
2. Click on each ward to either show or hide the area (coloured areas).
3. Click on the name of the Ward on the Key, it will show who the Ward Councillors are.
4. Return to this page to find the Councillors. Clicking on each Councillor’s photo will bring up their contact details in a new page.
Councillors work for the betterment of Louth, its residents and businesses. They listen to local concerns and give residents a voice on the decisions the Council makes, as well as liaising with the District and County Councils.
Each Councillor is dedicated to a particular area in the town, called a Ward, and there are seven Wards, each one represented by three Councillors. Check which Ward you are in on our Louth Ward Map.
Along with Full Council Meetings there are four Committees: Planning, Governance and Finance, Community Resources and Personnel.
Please click the following link to view Councillors Declaration of Interest Forms: LTC DPI’s as of January 2025
The Councillors for each Ward are:
Cllr. Mrs. P.F. Watson
Cllr. L. Cooney