
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Mayor’s Blog

The Mayor writes a blog about his time as Mayor of Louth.

Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

6th February 2022 Today, 6 February 2022, marks a significant day in the nation’s history: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to achieve an incredible milestone of 70 years as sovereign. This remarkable moment begins a year of celebrations as Her Majesty and the country mark the start of her Platinum

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War memorial service 100th anniversary

Mayor’s August Vlog

August 2021 marks 100 years since Louth’s War Memorial was unveiled to the public for the first time. In this vlog; the Mayor of Louth, Councillor Darren Hobson, marks this important milestone for the town by participating in a ceremony that blesses the war memorial and honours those named upon it.

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War Memorial November 2020

Mayor’s Blog November 2020

What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘sacrifice’? For many, it will mean giving up something valued for the sake of something else more important or a more worthy cause. We have all been making sacrifices throughout this year in one way or another. As we head into a time of year

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Class 3 Runner Up - Jan Radford, Blossom Cottage 11 Edward Street

Considering Others

1st October 2020 – Over a third of my way through my Mayoral year, I continually find myself impressed by the effort put in by our residents to make our community a better place. How many times have you stopped and considered what our town would be like if it wasn’t for those that go

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Cllr. Darren Hobson - Mayor of Louth

Unconventional Beginnings

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on how things unfold? A quote I read recently said, “Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success.” As I find myself looking back on my first three months as Mayor of our wonderful town of Louth, I think about what has happened

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