
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Council Meetings

The Town Council and the Planning Committee meets around once every month, whilst the Governance & Finance and Community Resources Committees meet every other month and finally the Personnel Committee every quarter or as required. Meetings are usually Tuesday nights commencing at 7pm with a public forum time preceding this for 15 minutes  at which any Members of the Public can speak to the Council.

Below are links to the minutes to all Council and Committees meetings.  Click onto the year you wish to look at, each year runs from mid May.

Council Meetings 2025/26

Council Meetings 2024/25

Council Meetings 2023/24

Council Meetings 2022/23

Council Meetings 2021/22

Council Meetings 2020/21

Council Meetings 2019/20

Council Meetings 2018/19

Council Meetings 2017/18

Council Meetings 2016/17