
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Council Documents

Louth Town Council Standing Orders – For review and adoption 30th April 2024

The Council’s Standing Orders and Related Documents are a key component of how the Council conducts its business at political and officer level. Standing Orders regulate how business is carried out at committee meetings.  Louth Town Council’s last review of Standing Orders took place on 30th April 2024. Opens in a new window.  Download current Standing Orders.  Opens in a new window

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations, while not a part of Standing Orders, is the framework within which the financial administration of the council is conducted.  Louth Town Council last reviewed these on 9th April 2024. Download current Financial Regulations. Opens in a new window

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out the rules governing the behaviour of its councillors.  Louth Town Council last reviewed this on 9th April 2024. Download the Code of Conduct.  Opens in a new window


Louth Town Council ensures that it has up to date insurance to mitigate potential risk to public money. Download LTC’s Insurance Certificate.  Opens in a new window.