
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Council Assets and Services

What does the Town Council do?

The Town Council maintains/provides on behalf of the town:

  • Session’s House (the old Magistrates Court), where the Town Council meet and work from
  • London Road Cemetery: Burials, Garden of Remembrance and two Chapels
  • Hubbard’s Hills (Contributing for the maintenance through Hubbard’s Hills Trust)
  • London Road Astroturf (leased by the London Road Sports Partnership)
  • Allotments (managed by the Louth Cottage Garden Allotment Association)
  • Old Mill House
  • Julian Bower Field
  • The War Memorial
  • Running costs (electric) of St James’ clock and outside flood lights
  • Bus Shelters, litter bins, seating and information boards in the Town Centre
  • The wooden hand carved Town Signs at entrances to Louth
  • Town Centre Christmas lights, Christmas Tree and Crib
  • Planting troughs in Louth Market Place and main town streets
  • Funding 12 CCTV cameras (Managing in partnership with ELDC)
  • Amenity grass cutting in the town
  • Interactive speed signs
  • Brown’s Panorama
  • The original Louth Town Charters, paintings of past Mayors, housed in Sessions House
  • Civic Parades
  • Lovely Louth Competition and Award’s Night
  • Light Up Louth Competition

Services managed and maintained by ELDC and Lincolnshire County Council

Services which East Lindsey District Council are responsible for

  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Bus Shelters (some are ELDC)
  • Car Parks, Car Park Permits and Fines (ELDC run car parks only)
  • CCTV
  • Coronavirus Grants for businesses
  • Council Tax Benefits
  • Council Tax Collections
  • Housing Advice and Homelessness
  • Licensing
  • Planning and Building Control
  • Play areas
  • Refuse bin collection
  • Street Cleaning and street bin emptying
  • Toilets (Public) in Partnership with Danfo (UK) Ltd

Tel: 01507 601111


Services which Lincolnshire County Council are responsible for

  • Adults and Children Social Care
  • Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships
  • Bus Passes
  • Children’s Centre
  • Disabled Parking (blue badges)
  • Emergency Planning
  • Fostering and Adoption
  • Highways – including gritting, maintaining, street and traffic lighting, traffic signs, potholes and road markings – (Use to report faults)
  • Household Recycling Centre
  • Library
  • Public Health
  • On Street Parking Enforcement
  • School Admissions, Free School Meals and School Transport
  • Trading Standards

Tel: 01522 552222