Louth Town Council
The Sessions House, Eastgate,
Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 9AJ
01507 355895
To the Members of the Town Council of Louth:
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Louth Town Council and its Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 21st November 2023 in The Old Court Room, The Sessions House, Eastgate, Louth at 7pm. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below.
There will be a 15 minute public forum between 6.45pm and 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is requested during this period.
Please note, any public, wishing to speak in the public forum may do so on items which appear on the agenda or may ‘sit in’ on the meeting(s). It would be much appreciated if any member of the public wishing to speak would please contact the Town Clerk, by emailing clerk@louthtowncouncil.gov.uk in advance of the meeting to discuss attendance arrangements. If possible, please provide written representation rather than attending in person.
Members of the public should note that they will not be allowed to speak during the formal meeting.
Mrs. L.M. Phillips
Town Clerk
Dated this 16th Day of November 2023
(Chairman: Cllr. J. Simmons, Membership: All Cllrs.)
- Apologies for Absence
To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting. - Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act. - Minutes
To approve as a correct record the notes of the Council Meeting held on 19th September 2023. - Committee Minutes
To confirm receipt of the minutes and adopt resolutions contained therein of the following Committee Meetings:- Planning Committee – 29th August 2023
- Planning Committee – 19th September 2023
- Planning Committee – 10th October 2023
- Governance and Finance Committee – 8th August 2023
- Community Resources Committee – 29th August 2023
- Personnel Committee – 11th July 2023
- Presentation from Mr. Findlay and Mr. Grist on the London Road Sports Partnership
Councillors to receive an update on the above and a request that it consider providing funding. (Attached). - Presentation from Mr. J. Timson re. Application for 3G at Wood Lane
Council to receive an update on the above. - Brown’s Panorama
Council to consider granting permission for John Taylors to use its images of the above to reproduce the Panorama for the walls of its new premises The Mart, 127 Eastgate. Which building they are extensively renovating and hope to move their auction rooms and estate agency businesses into at the end of this year. As one of the longest established businesses in the town it is planning to use local history as the theme. John Taylor (a former Mayor of Louth) established the business in 1859, the year William Brown died, therefore it would be interested in using images of his panorama.For a small business such as ours, the renovation of this substantial building is a huge undertaking, which it anticipates will cost in the region of a quarter of a million pounds, in addition to the purchase price. They have only used local trade persons for all the work and the exterior signage will be traditional hand painted. It is their hope that this building will improve the town centre and will encourage others to renovate their buildings and use appropriate material for a conservation area. They would very much appreciate the councils support in this matter.
- Louth Flood Alleviation Scheme
DH proposes that following the Flood Alert issued for the Louth area on 20th October as a result of a prolonged period of heavy rainfall and a significantly increased level on the River Lud through the town; that LTC write to the Area Flood and Coastal Risk Manager at the Environment Agency (EA) to request:- the Environment Agency’s opinion on how the Louth Flood Alleviation Scheme is performing since becoming operational and especially in relation to its last “test” on 20th
- what adjustments do the EA intend to make, if any, to the scheme to reduce the maximum river level when the scheme is in operation.
- how the EA spend the annual maintenance contribution from LTC towards the alleviation scheme to ensure it is performing correctly and providing the town with maximum protection, and
- what consideration will be made to reducing the threshold at which a Flood Alert and/or Flood Warning might be issued so that they are made public in a timely manner.
- Closed Session Items
Council to resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following items, information being of a third party, commercial, confidential and or legal nature with regard to Hubbard’s Hills.- Following assurances received on 19th September 2023 that documentation in support of the Trusts request for funding IN 2024/25 would be received, the Chairman of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust, Mr. A. Leonard to present and take questions on:
- Draft accounts for Hubbard’s Hills to 31st March 2023 (which are not a public document yet).
- The Hubbard’s Hills Trust Business Plan
- Following assurances received on 19th September 2023 that documentation in support of the Trusts request for funding IN 2024/25 would be received, the Chairman of the Hubbard’s Hills Trust, Mr. A. Leonard to present and take questions on:
- Next Meeting
To note that the next scheduled meeting of the Town Council will take place on 9th January 2024.
(Chairman: Cllr. Mrs. S. Crew, Membership: All Cllrs.)
- Apologies for Absence
To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting. - Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act. - Minutes
To approve as a correct record the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 31st October 2023. (Attached). - Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
To consider and make observations/ratify comments already submitted by the Planning Working Group to meet deadlines, on all planning applications received including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 11-21-23). (Attached). - Planning Correspondence
Committee to receive planning decisions, enforcement complaints, appeal decisions, temporary road closures etc., as advised by the District and County Council. (Attached).
- Proposed Works to Trees
Committee to consider the following proposed works to trees (details circulated by email 16th November 2023):- Location: Garage Block, Old Mill Park. Proposal: T1 – Lime – Approx. 35ft in height with an approx. 15ft spread – permission is requested to reduce the north-easterly side of the tree away from over the garage, removing approx. 6-8ft from the very edge of the canopy. T2 – London Plane – approx. 55ft in height with an approx. spread of 25ft – reduction of north-westerly side of the tree away from over the garage, removing approx. 10-12ft from the very edge of the canopy. Reasons: T1 and T2 – to allow clearance for the garage.
- Location: 4 Temple Terrace. Proposal: T1 – Ash (current height approx. 15-18m) pollard to previous points.
- Louth Transport Board
Committee to receive an update from representatives following recent meeting of the above on 7th - NHS Consultation – Your Health Your Hospitals
Councillors to note that:- A meeting of the Planning Working Group has been organised for Tuesday 28th November 2023 from 7pm by Zoom and an invite has been sent by email.
- This meeting’s purpose is to formulate a draft corporate response to the above, for ratification on 12th
- Councillors are asked to please attend or give their apologies to the Chairman, Cllr. SC, as soon as possible.
- Next Meeting
To note that the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee will take place on 12th December 2023.