
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Planning Committee Meeting 30th April 2024

04-30-24 PLAN MINS



ON TUESDAY 30th April 2024


Councillor P. Starsmore (PS) (in the chair).


Present Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (Mrs. EB), J. Baskett (JB), J. Drake (JD), L. Frost (LF), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), M. Lamb (ML), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (Mrs. JMS), D. Moore (DM), Mrs. K. Parsons (Mrs. KP) and Mrs. P.F. Watson (Mrs. PFW).


Councillors not present: M. Barnes (MB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), H. Filer (HF), J. Simmons (JS) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


The Town Clerk Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Miss S. Chitauro were also present.


  • Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. LMC, HF, JS and DEW.

  • Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    The following declarations of interest were made:

    1. Mrs. EB – Item 7 as president of the Louth Athletics Club and PA4 as a member of the Golf Club.
    2. DH – Items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of East Lindsey District Council (ELDC).
    3. GEH – Items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of ELDC.
    4. Mrs. JMS – Items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of ELDC and Tree Proposal C as an acquaintance of the applicant.
  • Minutes
    It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 9th April 2024 be approved as the minutes.


  • Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 04-30-24) and RESOLVED to support all planning applications.

    NB: Cllr. Mrs. EB abstained from voting on Planning Application Number 4.

  • Planning Correspondence
    The Committee noted the following planning correspondence:

    1. ELDC Planning Decisions
      1. ELDC Approved – N/105/00218/24 – Planning Permission – 5 Ramsgate Road, LN11 0NJ – LTC Supported 19/03/24.
      2. ELDC Approved – N/105/01450/23 – Planning Permission – 2 Cisterngate, LN11 0ER – LTC Objected 10/10/23.
  • ELDC Approved – N/105/00014/24 – Planning Permission – 117 Church Street, LN11 9DE – LTC Objected 20/02/24.
  1. ELDC Approved – N/105/00153/24 – Planning Permission – The Glass Gables, LN11 8SB – LTC Supported 20/02/24.
  2. ELDC Approved – N/105/01723/23 – Planning Permission – Land Adj. to 58 Church Street, LN11 9BY – LTC Objected 10/10/23.
  3. ELDC Approved – N/105/00322/24 – Consent to Display an Advertisement – Co-op Supermarket, Northgate, LN11 0LT – LTC Supported 19/03/24.
  • ELDC Approved – N/105/00308/24 – Consent to Display an Advertisement – Couplands Caraans, LN11 0YZ – LTC Supported 19/03/24.
  1. Temporary Traffic Restrictions

REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – burst main.

NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Riverhead Road (Between Thames Street and Eastfield Road).

PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 22/04/24 – 29/04/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period.  Signage will be displayed on site in advance).


REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Emergency – leaking mains repair.

NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Emergency Road Closure Order – Charles Street (Between Newbridge Hill and a point 50m West).

PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 23/04/24 – 29/04/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period.  Signage will be displayed on site in advance).


REASON FOR RESTRICTION: Water main repairs.

NATURE AND LOCATION OF RESTRICTION: Road Closure Order – Linden Walk (Closed South of Tennyson Road).

PERIOD OF RESTRICTION: 22/05/24 – 24/05/24 (Restrictions to be implemented for 3 days as and when required during this period.  Signage will be displayed on site in advance).

  1. Withdrawn
    1. N/105/00541/24 – Cyden Homes Ltd, Land of Legbourne Road, Louth – This application was withdrawn on 11th April 2024.
  • Proposed Works to Trees
    It was RESOLVED to support the following proposed works to trees:

    1. Location: 20 Stainesway. Proposal: T2 – English Oak – Reduce in height from 15m to 12.5m.  T3 – English Oak – Reduce in height from 14m to 10.5m and spread from 13m to 10m.
    2. Location: Ivy House, 50 James Street. Proposal: T1 – Ash – Fell due to overhanging roadway, low amenity value and apparent hymenoscyphus fraxineus infection.  T2 – Beech – Fell due to being positioned directly behind garden gate and excessively overhanging roadway.  T3 – Holly – Reduce to approximately 6m to remove fire damage to upper branches.  T4 – Holly – Reduce to equal height of T3.
    3. Location: Small Wells, Bridge Street, Louth. Proposal: T1 – Leylandii – Reduce in height from 9m to 6m and spread from 3.5m to 2.5m. T2 – Yew – Reduce in height from 2.5m to 1.5m and spread from 1.5m to 1m. T3 – Spruce – Reduce in height from 4.5m to 3m and spread from 2.5m to 2m. T4 – Leylandii – Reduce in height from 6m to 4m and spread from 3m to 2.5m. Reasons: T1 – Roots may cause damage to underground pipes and property wall if tree is not maintained at a manageable size. Adverse amenity value. T2 – Tree has become overgrown. T3 – Has become overgrown. Low amenity value. T4 – Has become overgrown. Low amenity value. Could damage boundary wall if roots become overgrown as tree grows in height.
    4. Proposal: T1 – Robinia psuedoacacia – Reduce in height by 1.5m and spread by 3m, plus keyhole pruning for telephone cables. T2 – Robinia psuedoacacia – Reduce in height by 1.5m and spread by 3m plus keyhole pruning for telephone cables.
  • Proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ – London Road, Louth
    The Committee considered the proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time Order’ to be implemented on London Road after investigations showed that inconsiderate and dangerous parking was occurring at the junctions, causing visibility and safety concerns for road users. It was RESOLVED to support the proposed order and submit comments suggesting that the order be extended further north from the London Road Cemetery entrance. 

  • Parish Council Police Engagement Session
    After discussion, it was RESOLVED to nominate Cllr. JD as the Committees representative at the above session on Thursday 27th June 2024.

  • Next Meeting
    It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 28th May 2024.


The Meeting Closed at 7.37pm.



Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________