Present Councillor S. Crew (SC) (in the chair)
Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L. Cooney (LMC), D. Ford (DF), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), J. Simmons (JS) and Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW).
Councillors not present: H. Filer (HF), J. Garrett (JG), G.E. Horton (GEH), K. Norman (KN), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT) and D.E. Wing (DEW).
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent and one member of the public were also present.
It was RESOLVED that as the Vice Chairman was not present Cllr. Mrs. SEL would assist in the role for the evening.
P55. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Cllrs. HF, JG, GEH, KN, FWPT and DEW.
P56. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:
a. Cllr. Mrs. EB – PA 2 (will leave the room) and PA 5 as known to them.
b. Cllr. JB – PA 3 as family friends.
c. Cllr. Mrs. JMS – items 4, 5, 6 and 7, as a member of ELDC.
d. Cllr. DJEH – items 4, 5, 6 and 7 as a member of ELDC and its Planning Committee.
P57. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 7th December 2021 be approved as the Minutes.
P58. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 01-11-22) and RESOLVED as follows:
a. 02176/21 – The Council noted that the Golf Club had, in its amended application, outlined a means of access that it thought members should/would use to access the public highway when using its driving range and proposed new bay. But felt that given the information below it must object until firm evidence was in place to suggest that such proposals would be adhered to and would be enforced.
Traffic Generation:
The Council heard that neighbours were concerned that the siting of another bay as proposed would increase the use of the site for commercial purposes and this would have a knock-on effect on the amount of traffic using Little Crowtree Lane. It noted that neighbours had apparently been told by the Golf Club that Little Crowtree Lane was currently only used by its staff to access their machinery and maintenance site. However, neighbours explained that in their experience this was categorically not the case and the lane, which is single track (users having to often reverse out onto a blind bend in the face of oncoming traffic), unadopted and maintained by the residents, is very busy with other users of the driving range. The Council noted that reports over use were conflicting but felt strongly that unless use of the access prescribed on the application was exceedingly well advertised both in correspondence to members/users of the site and via prominent signage and unless its use and not that of Little Crowtree Lane was strictly enforced while use of Little Crowtree Lane was restricted and actively discouraged an increase in traffic on Little Crowtree Lane would be inevitable, would exacerbate any existing problems and could, therefore, not be sanctioned.
Access and Highway Safety:
Bearing the above in mind, the Council were concerned that the junction of Little Crowtree Lane and Crowtree Lane proper is on a bend at which the visibility splay is very poor. This, coupled with the narrowness of Crowtree Lane proper, it’s use by members of the public for parking along when using Westgate Fields and/or Hubbard’s Hills which further restricts access and visibility and the number of pedestrians/children also using the lane makes the prospect of increased traffic a significant worry.
Noise and Disturbance from the Scheme:
The Council were concerned that no information was included within the application regarding the hours of operation and lighting. The Council felt that the hours of operation should be restricted and that ELDC should condition the use and positioning of lighting so as to ensure that any disturbance to neighbours is mitigated and that there is not an increase in light pollution in the AONB. Further, the Council were approached by neighbours and heard that they currently experience golf balls flying towards their houses and gardens and that some have actually been hit by these, even though the current range faces in the opposite direction. If this is happening it must mean that some people are walking out of the bays and hitting ‘used’ golf balls on the range grass back towards the bays, a practise which is supposedly not allowed and is dangerous, especially to unsuspecting children using neighbouring land and which should be prohibited and enforced accordingly.
Finally, neighbours on Little Crowtree Lane were also concerned that there is a lack of communication between themselves and the club. They opined that they have requested, on numerous occasions previously, to be notified of events and matters such as this planning application and have received assurances that such would occur, but it has not. They would once again ask that communication be improved to keep all in the vicinity of the club and not just those whose properties are directly abutting the club’s land informed.
b. 02571/21 – 3 Market Place – objected to this application on the grounds that previously, when it occupied the property on the other side of the Market Place, this company had enforcement action taken against it for a similar installation, which it was required to remove retrospectively and thus a precedent has been set that such technology is not permitted within the Market Place/Louth conservation area. Further the size of the proposed window lettering is too large, is totally out of keeping with the surrounding area and is not suitable in the conservation area. The Council noted that the particular design of the shop’s actual header board is very slender and whilst it has been sign written there is no correlation between it and the signs proposed for the window so what was a very beautiful corner property is pulled down and the visual impact of the whole Market Place is lowered. The Council believe that the property was designed to lead onlookers’ eyes from the Market Place to the old Indoor Market and it and surrounding properties have beautiful decorative brickwork and inset stone ‘art’ work which these proposals would entirely detract from and which would have a detrimental impact on the conservation area and town centre in general.
c. N/105/02625/21 and 02613/21, 02614/21 and 02612/21 – Supported with the conditions that:
Double yellow lines be installed on Lincoln Way to increase the safety of both pedestrians and
vehicles as lorries currently park there causing a physical and more importantly very dangerous
visual obstruction, it was also felt that to improve access and highway safety in the area a
pedestrian crossing should be installed on Lincoln Way to safeguard users in what has become an
exceedingly busy area. Further, the Council would request that S106 funding obtained from this
development be put towards services at Louth Hospital and finally, the boundary hedge to the A16
should be retained and maintained in a tidy manner.
d. PL/0161/21 – objected to this application on the grounds that it will cause noise and disturbance to neighbours.
e. All other applications were supported.
NB: Cllr. Mrs. EB left the room at 8:25pm before the Louth Golf Club application was discussed and returned following the vote at 8:41pm.
P59. Planning Correspondence
The Council noted the following planning correspondence:
ELDC Planning Decisions
a. Approved– N105/02047/21 – Planning Permission–47 Watts Lane– LTC supported
b. Approved– N105/02173/21 – Planning Permission–209 Eastgate– LTC supported
c. Approved – N/105/02247/21 – Planning Permission–76 Keddington Road – LTC supported.
d. Approved – N/105/02312/21 – Listed Building Consent–Louth Methodist Church – LTC supported.
e. Approved – N/105/02311/21 – Planning Permission–Louth Methodist Church – LTC supported.
f. Approved – N/105/02010/20 – Approval of Reserved Matters – Land off Legbourne Road – LTC objected.
g. Approved – N/105/02427/21 – Planning Permission –Louth Academy Lower – LTC supported.
Notification that the appellant has appealed to the Secretary of State against ELDC’s decision to refuse planning permission reference N/105/02041/21 re. Hallams Close, Julian Bower (Louth Llama Trekking). All comments made by LTC previously have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal. If the Council wishes to modify or withdraw its previous comments this must be done by 19th January 2022.
Withdrawn Applications
N/105/02157/21 – 10 Davy Close was withdrawn on 7th December 2021.
P60. Proposed Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order
The following proposed tree works were noted:
a. Location: 20 Gospelgate. Proposal: T1 – Fir – Fell. Reasons: T1 – Neighbours have concerns about needle drop, damage to old wall and worry it might fall in high winds.
P61. Street Naming – Land off Brackenborough Road
Council considered proposed names and it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should write to Lincs Building Consultancy to thank them for sending through the proposals, confirm approval of use of Tuxworth Way and Terrance Court (historical local farmers of that area), offer its own other suggestions, these being on a farming theme, as follows: Field Road/Way/Close etc., Cow Pasture Crescent, Plough Lane, Harvest Lane/Way, Barley Close, Friesian Way and confirm that Lincs Building Consultancy should make the final decision, keeping unused names ‘in the bank’ for the future.
P62. Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 8th February 2022.
The Meeting Closed at 9:36pm.
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________