
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Christmas Tree and Lights Switched on 2021

Christmas Tree and Lights Switch On 2021

It has been wonderful to see so many people in town supporting our fantastic local businesses, many of which have worked so hard against the very real challenges of the past almost two years. It is reassuring to know that our independent and local businesses are being supported by the community as they make preparations for the festive period.

It has been fabulous to see the spirit of the season develop recently in our town with so many brilliant and creative window displays in our shops. I’m sure that the lights and tree in the town centre will help to create a bright and cheery atmosphere for Christmas. I thank all of those that have contributed in any way to help make Louth look so lovely again this year including:

  • Strawson Woodland at Little Cawthorpe who donated and delivered our beautiful tree.
  • Foxhall Construction and C&L Fairburn Properties Limited who erected the tree and will also remove it.
  • GRS Electrical Services who purchased the new lights.
  • North Lincs Engineering who produced a custom made stand for the tree.
  • Louth Building Supplies who hand-made the new Christmas crib which stands on the Fish Shambles helped by Steve Wright Flat Flooring, Titan Metal Fabrications Ltd, GRS Signs, GRS Electrical Services and Tim Groome, artist.
  • AJ’s Embroidery who printed the four banners at a discounted price.

Cllr. Darren Hobson, Mayor of Louth