
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of the Town Council Meeting 14th September 2021



Present                                        The Mayor, Cllr. D. Hobson (DH) (in the chair).


Councillors:       J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), S. Crew (SC), H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Jackman (DJ), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), K. Norman (KN), J. Simmons (JS), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), L. Cooney (LMC), A. Cox (AC), G. Horton (GEH) and

Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW).


The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent, Cllr. R Jackson (ELDC), the Mayor’s Sergeant, the Mayor’s Chaplain, the Council’s Solicitor and the Council’s District Valuer were also present.


Public Forum

·        The Mayor, Cllr. Darren Hobson, thanked Mr. Glenn Darnell, the Mayor’s Sergeant for all his hard work and devotion over the previous 10 years and wished him well in his retirement.

·        Cllr. R. Jackson (ELDC) presented a tabled report and also spoke on subjects including the audit and scrutiny at ELDC.

·        Cllr. Mrs. JMS spoke on the scrutiny at ELDC and also the possible siting of a nuclear waste site in the district (one of 3 options). Further, she reported that covid tests were available on the market on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. She continued that the new Hub at Horncastle (noting that the green credentials were for the building only and not all the equipment inside) was due to open 16th September 2022. Lastly, she reported that the new 3G football pitch in Louth would be next to the sports hall.

·        Cllr. AL reported that although ELDC had amalgamated with South Holland District Council as well as Boston Borough Council there had been a damning report regarding the management of the current organisation and there had been many senior management changes following this.


T41.        Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. EB, LMC, AC, GEH and Mrs PFW.


T42.        Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
Cllrs. Mrs. JMS, AL and DEW – Items in relation to Hubbard’s Hills.


T43.        Council Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record, the notes of the Council Meeting held on the 20th July 2021.


T44.        Committee Minutes
It was RESOLVED to adopt the resolutions contained within the following Committee Meetings:

Community Resources – 06/05/21, Governance and Finance – 06/5/21, Personnel – 06/05/21, Planning – 06/05/21 and 20/07/21


The meeting was adjourned at 7:14pm for five minutes to allow the Mayor to disrobe and the Mayor’s Sergeant to leave.


T45.         Closed Session Item
It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following item, information being of a confidential and legal nature in relation to Old Mill House.
The Council received advice from their solicitor and the District Valuer.  It was RESOLVED to:

a.        Note the advice.

b.        Accept the offer given.

c.        Give delegated authority to the Town Clerk to progress the matter, incurring expenditure with solicitors etc., as required.


It was RESOLVED to come out of Closed Session.


T46.        Budget Setting
It was noted that ideas for future projects, for inclusion in the budget, together with costings, should be submitted to the Town Clerk by email, by 22nd September 2021.


T47.        Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

a.        It was noted that the Council’s External Auditor had completed its limited assurance review of Louth Town Council for the year ended 31st March 2021.

b.       It was RESOLVED to receive and approve the Notice of Conclusion of Audit.

c.        It was RESOLVED to receive Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020/21 and it was noted that the Council had received an unqualified audit, the external auditor having found no issues on which to make comment.

d.       It was noted that the official period for inspection of its financial records expired on 11th August 2021.


T48.        Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled Town Council meeting was 26th October 2021.



The Meeting Closed at 8.15pm.