11-17-20 PLAN MINS
Present Councillor S. Crew (SC), (in the chair).
Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L. Cooney (LMC), H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), D. Jackman (DJ), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), K. Norman (KN), J. Simmons (JS), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT).Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW) and D. Wing (DEW).
Councillors not present: A. Cox (AC).
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent and one member of the public were also present.
Public Forum
A member of the public wished to object to a planning application to mount a digital hoarding on a wall in Eastgate, they felt that the location, directly opposite the Orme Almshouses, being of historic interest (Grade II Listed) was not appropriate. Further, the member of the public had concerns regarding the distraction of such a hoarding to traffic travelling along Eastgate and Ramsgate. As most of those living in the Almshouses were elderly and did not use IT, the member of the public wished to know how to make a complaint to ELDC Planning without using the internet. Cllr. AL suggested that written letters should be sent to him which he would scan and then email to the Planning Department at ELDC.
163. Apologies for Absence
No apologies for absence were received.
164. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:
a) Cllr. GEH – Item 7 as daughter is a Senior Housing Officer at ELDC.
b) Cllr. Mrs. JMS –
c) items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of ELDC.
d) Cllrs. DJEH – planning items as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.
e) Cllr. AL – Planning applications 1 and 3 as known to the applicants.
f) Cllr. Mrs. EB – Planning application 1, 3 and 7 as known to the applicant.
g) Cllr. KN – Planning application 1 as known to the applicant.
h) Cllr. FWPT – Planning application 1 as known to the applicant.
i) Cllr. Mrs. PFW – Planning application 1 as known to the applicant.
j) Cllr. Mrs. SEL – Planning application 1 as known to the applicant.
k) Cllr. JS – Planning application 2 as had worked for them.
165. Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 20th October 2020 be approved as the Minutes.
166. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 11-17-20) and RESOLVED as follows:
a) N/105/01913/20 – 152-154 Eastgate – objected to this application on the grounds:
Effect on listed buildings and conservation area
This internally illuminated, wall mounted, digital hoarding would be completely out of place directly opposite to the Grade II Listed Almshouses and the Grade II Listed War Memorial. The proposed materials would be out of keeping with and would therefore have a detrimental impact on Louth’s Conservation Area, within which this proposal is located. It would cause a significant change to the character and appearance of a main entrance to the town located within the Conservation Area. Louth Town Council would like to see a Heritage Assessment carried out.
Overbearing nature of the scheme / Noise and disturbance from the scheme
This proposal with its intermittently changing and bright flashing images would cause light pollution and be a disturbance to and annoyance to the elderly residents of the Almshouses, who live directly opposite and who currently enjoy reasonably tranquil surroundings for a town centre location. It would be crass and visually invasive. It would also be disrespectful to the town’s War Memorial which is also directly opposite, especially during sombre times of remembrance when a significant portion of the town gathers here to pay their respects to the town’s war dead.
Highway safety
This proposal being located immediately adjacent to a roundabout and also on one of the main entrances/exits of the town, near to Morrison’s where there is considerable movement of pedestrians and vehicles is dangerous and would cause a hazard to drivers and pedestrians alike as it would draw and divert the attention of all.
Other concerns
Louth Town Council is concerned that this proposal will have no benefit to Louth; neither local businesses, nor the promotion of employment opportunities. It is administered by Carter Jonas, a national agency whose application has no regard for the locality. It would be an eyesore imposed by remote commercial interests. The application also contains many inaccuracies and contradictions like quoting street names that don’t exist, muddling whether it is or isn’t in a Conservation Area. It has clearly been prepared by someone as a cut-and-paste exercise with no knowledge of, or regard to the location.
b) N/105/01942/20 – Aldi Stores – objected to this application on the grounds that allowing this condition to be altered could have a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of the town centre. Louth Town Council believe that this condition was imposed originally to deter shoppers from being drawn to just one location for all of their needs. It was imposed to assist the other businesses of the town and give them a chance of drawing custom from shoppers who might originally have only intended to visit just Aldi. Thereby assisting in maintaining the vitality and viability of the town centre and the unique shopping experience that Louth offers.
c) N/105/02041/20 – Hallam’s Close – objected to this application on the grounds:
Access and Highway Safety / Traffic Generation
The access road leading to the site (Julian Bower) is a narrow, single car, farm track which is unadopted and not suitable for the level of traffic which this venture will generate and which should not be used for commercial purposes. If a commercial venture, such as this, is to be run from a site along Julian Bower the road should be adopted and made into a proper two lane road.
The junction of Julian Bower with London Road is extremely dangerous being located on the brow of a hill, where vehicles entering the town from the countryside often crest the hill travelling too fast.
Relevant Previous Planning History / Noise and Disturbance from the Scheme
Louth Town Council are concerned that this business has been running for a number of months without the correct permissions. It believes that these proposals constitute over intensive use of a site sold 18 months ago for horses which has resulted in the residents of Julian Bower being subjected to constant upset and disruption since commercial activity on the site commenced. The amount of passing traffic has increased exponentially, this has damaged the surface of the road, cars are using people’s driveways to turn around in, cars are parking down the road, blocking it, endangering lives as emergency vehicles would struggle to pass and causing a nuisance etc. The amount of pedestrians using the road has also increased significantly too and there is no public footpath. The Police have also had to be involved because of breaches of the peace.
Other Concerns
Louth Town Council is concerned that:
· Approval of this application will set a dangerous precedent as it is afraid that it is the lead up to other applications for a residential dwelling(s) and other businesses on the site.
· This application and any made in the future will both individually and cumulatively have a detrimental effect on the AONB within which the site is located
· Health and Safety is being breached by allowing Llamas in the vicinity of people eating picnics.
· This application proposes that a gate across Julian Bower itself be installed, which would be wholly unacceptable and surely illegal.
· This application would necessitate the use of floodlights which would be a nuisance and source of light pollution.
· An emergency sleeping room has been proposed. This is wholly unacceptable, unrequired for such livestock and has not been necessary in the past eighteen months.
d) All other planning applications were supported.
167. Planning Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted.
a) ELDC Planning Decisions
i) Approved – N/105/01559/20 – Planning Permission – Meridian House Units 3 and 4 – LTC Objected
ii) Approved – N/105/01594/20 – Planning Permission – 79 Brackenborough Road – LTC supported
iii) Approved – N/105/01554/20 – Planning Permission – 107 Update – LTC Supported
iv) Approved – N/105/01619/20 – Planning Permission – 37 Sandringham Drive – LTC Supported
v) Approved – N/105/01511/20 – Planning Permission – 9 South Terrace – LTC Supported
vi) Approved – N/105/01453/20 – Planning Permission – 1 Hill Terrace – LTC Supported
vii) Approved – N/105/01458/20 – Planning Permission – 3 Gospelgate – LTC Supported
b) Enforcement
i) Location: 73 Eastgate, Installation of metal shutters to a Grade II Listed Building
c) Temporary Traffic Restrictions
Charles Street (between 16m & 65m South of Hawthorne Avenue) current – extended now to 30/10/20
168. Proposed Works to Trees
The following proposed works were noted:
a) Location: Spout Yard Park Proposal: TI — Goat Willow — Pollard to a height of 2.5m. T2 Silver
Birch – Crown lift to 4m. T3 — Alder No work required. T4 — Rowan — Remove crossing, rubbing,
diseased and dead branches as well as the lower branch which hangs into the park over the path. T5
Alder Remove top 2 metres from front stem of T5 Alder, at node to reduce weight on that stem.
169. Report from Chairman of Planning following attendance at ELDC Housing Demand Stakeholder Workshop
Cllr. SC gave a brief overview of the ELDC Housing Demand Stakeholder Workshop. Cllr. SC reported that she would also be attending a follow up from this, but assured Councillors that answers given would be her own personal views unless she knew it was the view of the Planning Committee as a whole.
170. Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 15th December 2020.
The Meeting Closed at 7:58pm.
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated________________________