
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Agenda for Tuesday 18th June 2024

Louth Town Council
The Sessions House, Eastgate,
Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 9AJ
01507 355895

To the Members of the Town Council of Louth:

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Louth Town Council and its Governance and Finance Committee and Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 18th June 2024 in The Old Court Room, The Sessions House, Eastgate, Louth at 7pm.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below.

There will be a 15 minute public forum between 6.45pm and 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is requested during this period. 

Please note, any public, wishing to speak in the public forum may do so on items which appear on the agenda or may ‘sit in’ on the meeting(s).  It would be much appreciated if any member of the public wishing to speak would please contact the Town Clerk, by emailing in advance of the meeting to discuss attendance arrangements.  If possible, please provide written representation rather than attending in person.

Members of the public should note that they will not be allowed to speak during the formal meeting.

Mrs. L.M. Phillips

Town Clerk

Dated this 13th Day of June 2024



(Membership: All Cllrs.)

  1. Election of Governance and Finance Committee Chairman
    The Mayor will initially take the chair for this item. Committee to receive nominations and to elect the Chairman of the Governance and Finance Committee to hold office until the Annual Meeting of Louth Town Council in 2025.
  2. Election of Governance and Finance Committee Vice Chairman
    Committee to receive nominations and to elect the Vice Chairman of the Governance and Finance Committee to hold office until the Annual Meeting of Louth Town Council in 2025.

  3. Apologies for Absence
    To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting.
  4. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act.
  5. Minutes
    To approve as a correct record the notes of the Governance and Finance Committee meeting held on 30th April 2024. (Attached).
  6. Finance
    Committee to note/approve/authorise the following:

    1. Receipts and Payments – Cashbooks 1 and 2 – Month 12
      1. Cash Book 1 Receipts    £7,408.94                   Payments     £29,657.09
      2. Cash Book 2 Receipts          £0.00                   Payments           £21.93
    2. Detailed Income and Expenditure Report (Budget Variance Report) as at Month 12 to 31st March 2024.
    3. Earmarked Reserves Report as at 31st March 2024.
    4. Balance Sheet and Cashbook 1 and 2 Bank Reconciliations as at 31st March 2024 which reconcile to account statements showing balances as follows:
      1. Lloyds Treasurers Account (balance on statement 76) – £294,408.46
      2. Petty Cash (balance as at 31st March 2024) – £54.08
  • Lloyds Deposit Account (balance on statement 7 as at 31st March 2024) – £166,652.51
  1. National Savings and Investment Account (balance on statement 10 as at 31st March 2024) – £112,300.42
  1. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24
    On a recommendation by FOG:

    1. To receive the report of the internal auditor. (Attached).
    2. To receive the Statutory Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2024 and recommend to Town Council that it be approved and signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer. (Attached).
    3. To approve the completion of the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2023/24, placing ticks in all boxes except number 9 where n/a should be ticked and recommend to Town Council signing by the Chairman and the Town Clerk. (Attached).
    4. To consider and approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2023/24 and recommend to Town Council for signing by the Chairman. (Attached).
    5. To note that the period for the exercise of public rights must include the first 10 working days of July, must be at least 30 consecutive working days long, must commence as soon as reasonably possible after approval of the AGAR and with this in mind, recommend to Town Council that the period for the exercise of public rights should be set from Thursday 20th June 2024 to Wednesday 31st July 2024.
  2. Review of Notices, Policies and Procedures
    Committee to note that the following have been reviewed. Documents which required more than a date change within the body of the text are attached here for your information.  Other documents are available to view on the Councils website or by request from the Town Clerk.  Council to approve continued use of:

    1. Cemetery Privacy Notice – No changes.
    2. Staff and Councillor Privacy Notice – Change to date of last update required within body of document.
    3. Email Contact Privacy Notice – No changes.
    4. General Privacy Notice – Change to date of last update required within body of document.
    5. Remote Meeting Privacy Notice – Change to date of last update required within body of document.
    6. Data Protection Policy – No changes.
    7. Information Security Incident Policy – No changes.
    8. Subject Access Requests Policy – No changes.
    9. Removeable Media Policy – No changes.
    10. Retention of Documents Policy – No changes.
    11. Secure Disposal of Information Policy – No changes.
    12. Publication Scheme – No changes.
    13. Policy on Handling of Freedom of Information Requests – No changes.
    14. LTC Vehicle Usage and Driving at Work Policy – No changes.
    15. Members Allowance Policy – No changes.
  3. Working Group
    Committee to re-establish the Financial Overview Group as a working group and approve remit and membership as follows:

Financial Overview Group (FOG) – Reports to Governance and Finance Committee / Town Council

Membership 6 + Town Clerk
Req’d Councillors Chairman and Vice Chairman of GF Committee + 4 others
Members 2023/24 Cllrs. Mrs. EB, LF, JD, PS, HF, ML.  (The Mayor, Ex. Officio).
Officers Town Clerk – Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
Remit To oversee financial transactions of LTC.  Make recommendations to Council regarding the appointment of internal and external auditors.  Assess and make recommendations to GF Committee regarding applications for grants.  Review Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Internal Controls and Insurance requirements.  Ensure that statement of assurance on Annual Report can be approved by the Full Council.
Delegated Powers None.  Investigate and enquire with recommendations to GF Committee or Town Council.
Meetings As required.


  1. Next Meeting
    To note that the next scheduled meeting of the Governance and Finance Committee will take place on 6th August 2024.



(Chairman: Cllr. J. Simmons, Membership: All Cllrs.)

  1. Apologies for Absence
    To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting.
  2. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act.
  3. Town Clerk’s Remarks


  1. Minutes
    To approve as a correct record the notes of the Council Meeting held on 14th May 2024.
  2. Committee Minutes
    To confirm receipt of the minutes and adopt resolutions contained therein of the following Committee Meetings:

    1. Planning Committee – 30th April 2024
    2. Community Resources Committee – 19th March 2024
  3. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24
    On the recommendation of FOG:

    1. To receive the report of the internal auditor. (Attached).
    2. To receive the Statutory Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2024 and approve signing by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer. (Attached).
    3. To approve the completion of the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2023/24, placing ticks in all boxes except number 9 where n/a should be placed and approve signing by the Chairman and the Town Clerk. (Attached).
    4. To consider and approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2023/24 and authorise signing by the Chairman. (Attached).
    5. To note that the period for the exercise of public rights must include the first 10 working days of July, must be at least 30 consecutive working days long, must commence as soon as reasonably possible after approval of the AGAR and with this in mind, receive a recommendation from the Governance and Finance Committee that the period for the exercise of public rights should be set from Thursday 20th June 2024 to Wednesday 31st July 2024.
  4. Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2023/24
    To receive the notes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 16th April 2024, consider if further action should be taken on proposals raised by members of the public and agree that, unless there is a contentious subject that requires discussion in 2025, the Annual Town Meeting should be held at The Sessions House. (Minutes Attached).

  5. Working Groups
    Council to re-establish working groups to the Council and approve remit and membership.
  6. Christmas Tree Festival 2024
    Council to resolve upon whether it would like to take part in the 2024 St. James’ Church Christmas Tree Festival which will run from 5th December to 11th Delegated authority to be granted to the Town Clerk to incur expenditure in this regard, Mayor to lead arrangements.

  7. Hubbard’s Hills Future Management
    To receive papers from the Hubbard’s Hills Working Group compiled from comments submitted by Councillors and resolve upon the way forward.
  8. Louth Town Plan
    On a proposal by Cllr. JD, Council to consider setting up a working group to develop an effective Louth Town Plan to provide a long-term vision for the improvement of Louth and its future by:

    1. Creating a coherent planning policy for the Town Council, perhaps following neighbourhood planning principles (and drawing down funding); and
    2. Bringing together interested individuals and organisations in the town to foster co-operation to create plans to improve:
      1. Conservation Area
      2. Business (Town Centre and Industrial Estate)
  • Transport
  1. Open Space (Greenspace including Hubbard’s Hills and Sports and Play areas)
  2. Arts and Culture
  3. Community support including Food Banks, Baby and Uniform Banks, Repair Café, Citizens’ Advice.
  • Promotion and communication, including tourism and branding.
  1. Next Meeting
    To note that the next scheduled meeting of the Town Council will take place on 27th August 2024.


(Chairman: Cllr. P. Starsmore, Membership: All Cllrs.)

  1. Apologies for Absence
    To receive and note apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk at least one hour prior to the meeting.
  2. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act, 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation received by the Proper Officer under section 22 of the Localism Act.
  3. Minutes
    To approve as a correct record the notes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 28th May 2024. (Attached).
  4. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    To consider and make observations/ratify comments already submitted by the Planning Working Group to meet deadlines, on all planning applications received including those listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 06-18-24). (Attached).
  5. Planning Correspondence
    Committee to receive planning decisions, enforcement complaints, appeal decisions, temporary road closures etc., as advised by the District and County Council. (Attached).

  6. Proposed No Waiting and No Loading At Any Time Restriction and Goods Vehicle Loading Only Bay – Market Place, Louth
    Further to discussion on the above on 28th May 2024 when it was resolved that the Council objected to the above proposal as it was felt that the area should be left as is and that there should be increased enforcement, Committee to receive the response from LCC and an update from representatives on the Louth Transport Board and consider changing its original stance.
  7. LCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan Survey
    Further to circulation of details of the above by email on 7th June 2024 Committee to resolve upon whether to make a corporate response. Survey questions attached.

  8. Proposed Works to Trees
    Committee to consider the following proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area (details circulated by email 12/6/24) and resolve as required:

    1. Location: 209 Eastgate. Proposal: T1 – Magnolia.  Reduce canopy from 6m high to 5m and 8m in diameter to 6m.  Reasons: None supplied.
  9. Proposed 30mph Speed Limit – Brackenborough Road, Louth
    Committee to receive a letter and map from LCC regarding the above and resolve upon whether to make a corporate response.
  10. Next Meeting
    To note that the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee will take place on 16th July 2024.