
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Election of Mayor 2024/25

At the Annual Louth Town Council meeting on Tuesday 14th May 2024, Councillor Julia Simmons was re-elected as Mayor of Louth and Chairman of the Council for 2024/25.  Her husband, Mr. Alan Simmons will once again support her as Mayor’s Consort.

Councillor Darren Hobson was elected Deputy Mayor for 2024/25.

Julia was born and educated in Louth attending King Edward VI Grammar School.  She has had a very varied life, moving to London after gaining a scholarship to study Performing Arts at one of the most prestigious schools, Arts Ed.  After graduating with a degree in Musical Theatre she went straight into show business as a dancer/actress/singer and choreographer.

Julia is passionate about the town – past, present and future and is very much looking forward to continue meeting and speaking with residents and local organisations to help in the best way possible and cannot wait to represent Louth at events across the County where she will once again fly the flag for Louth and raise its profile as much as possible in the wider community.  She held two successful fundraising events during her tenureship as Mayor in 2023/24, raising money for Bobs Brainwave’s and local foodbanks in Louth.